forty four

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A few weeks had passed, and not much has changed. I was still with Liam, Tony still waited, and I was as indecisive as ever. I knew it wasn't fair to either of them, to keep Tony waiting, for me to not be able to fully commit to Liam with another boy invading my thoughts. I had to make up my mind, but I didn't know how.

One thing had changed though, and that was Chris getting kicked out of college. I wish I could say I was shocked, but if it was gonna happen to anyone it would happen to him. He never did his coursework, showed up to class everyday high out of his mind, constantly stole prescription medication from the nurses room, accidentally peed on a college security guard, and even got caught shagging some girl in one of the classrooms. Chris claimed it was an invasion of his privacy, as most of the stuff he was being expelled for was caught on Roundview's security cameras. He seemed to be the only one who didn't know the college was required to have these cameras.

Chris wasn't too upset about being expelled. He hated college anyway. But he was upset because being kicked out of college also meant being kicked out of the college's student housing. This royally screwed Chris, as he didn't have a house or any family to live with.

Chris followed me home after college. He had a meeting with Josie today, the school's Career Advisor, to help him figure out what he was gonna do career wise since he no longer attended college. My last class of the day got out the same time that Chris did, so I invited him to my house for a home cooked meal, something he hadn't had in a while, in an attempt to cheer him up a bit. Maxxie was coming too, as my mum couldn't seem to go a week without seeing him. She adored Maxxie, especially since he was gay and had no desire to get into my pants. She was a little surprised when she saw Chris and I walk through the front door, though.

"Oh, Freya," she says to me from the kitchen, her voice sounding a bit annoyed. "More friends?"

"Mum this is Chris," I tell her, before quickly moving over to her and muttering into her ear, "he's had a hard few days, so be nice."

"Hi Miss. McGuinness," he calls to her from the couch, where he's made himself at home. "Lovely place you have here."

Maxxie joins us soon after my mums finished making dinner. So we all sit around the table and begin to eat.

"So Chris," my mum begins, cutting into her chicken. "I assume you go to Roundview also?"

"No, actually," Chris tells her, his mouth full of potatoes. "I got expelled three days ago."

My mum's fork and knife still at Chris' casual confession.

"Oh, well..." She begins, not entirely sure what to say to that.

"He's looking for a job, though, aren't you Chris?" Maxxie chimes in, trying to save Chris' reputation when it came to my mother.

"Yeah, but I actually just got fired again," he unnecessarily confesses for the second time tonight. "3 jobs in 3 days. Josie said it must be a new record."

"How is that even possible?" Mini speaks up from beside me.

"Alright, Chris," I warn the boy. "Eat your chicken."


After dinner, Chris, Maxxie and I take a bus just outside of Bristol, where we're meeting the others at some pub. The pub was packed since tonight a local band was playing, and Chris wanted to go and sell drugs to all the indie music kids who would pay overprice.

fools x tony stonem [completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang