A visit

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Izuku floated over to his old house, finding the wall that lead into his bedroom. He peered through the wall and entered the room. He floated over to the side where he knew he kept his money.

Making sure to be as quiet as possible, he took the small amount of money he had. On his way out, he also grabbed a few pieces of All Might merch that he knew he could sell for a good amount of money.

He floated through the door, into the hall and followed the walls to his mothers room. He pressed his ear up against the door and heard faint sniffling.

He stuck his head through the door and saw his mother, lying facing away from the door. He crept over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, focusing on making it solid.

She started to turn when his hand touched her. "Don't turn around. I'm sorry that I woke you up."

"Izuku?" She did as he asked and faced away. "Where have you been? What happened to you?"

Izuku let out a shaky breath. "Yeah, it's me, mum. Only, I'm dead now. But you know that. I watched when you and Kacchan had to identify my body, I'm sorry you had to do that. I was too weak, I gave up too easily. I'm sorry, this is all my fault. But, I still love you, okay? I'll always love you, and I'll come home one day, when I'm worthy of being you're son again."

"Izuku, what do you mean? You're my son, you'll always be my son."

"No, not now. What I did was wrong. I forgot about you, the person who loved my more than anyone else. I failed you. Once I've made up for my mistakes, then I'll be worthy of being your son. For now, I'm too ashed for you to even look at me."

He leaned forward, gently kissing the back of her head. "I love you." He muttered for the last time, before passing back through the door and the wall beyond, to the outside of the house. He reached to touch his eyes, but there were no tears. He couldn't cry anymore, even though he wanted to.

There was so much he couldn't do anymore.

He floated over to city to the rooftop of an apartment building. There was no way to access the roof of the building, without using a quirk, so he din't have to worry about anyone finding him. The rooftop had become the closest thing he had to home.

He would keep anything he got on the rooftop, not that he had much stuff. A few items of clothing he had taken from his house, a few sentimental things and copies of his hero notebooks. He couldn't get the originals, since his mother would notice them missing, so he copied them.

He dug through his things, finding anything else he could sell, and things he didn't need. He picked them all up and put them in an old backpack he used. He flew around the city, looking for a shop that he could sell the things to.

After a while, he found a shop that sold hero merch, he floated through the door and over to the counter. "Excuse me? I have some things I'd like to sell."

The store clerk smiled down at him. "Hey, kid! What do you have?"

Izuku took off his bag and started to take out the objects, watching as the clerk's mouth fell open. His eyes were sparkling and he looked about ready to start fanboying. "Where did you get this stuff?! This is some of the rarest All Might merch around! And in mint condition!"

Izuku placed the last figurine on the counter and the clerk looked like he was going to faint. He grabbed the figure and turned it over in his hand. "The limited edition silver age official figure! I've never seen one of these before! This is amazing!"

Izuku smiled at the man. He had always been proud of his collection of All Might merch, but now it would actually be useful. He could probably get enough money to last him a few years, especially since he didn't need to eat or drink.

The two of them started bargaining for the collection, eventually Izuku came out on top, with enough money to buy his vigilante costume and replace it a few times if he needed to, though he doubted he would.

He flew down the high street, buying all of the things he wanted. First, he got a wig. It was short and straight, and it was a strange pale blue grey colour, which he wanted his entire costume to be.

Next, he got a t-shirt and a pair of jeans in the same colour as the wig. Then a long cloak-like coat that went past his feet. It buttoned up down the front, but only to the bottom of his stomach, where there was a gap, making it so you could see his legs and feet.

What couldn't be seen was the inside of the coat, which was lined with knives.

He then got boots that went almost to his knees and, finally, a mask that covered the top half of his face and a pair of gloves. He put it all on and spun in front of a mirror a few times, admiring how the coat fanned out, showing the gleam of his knives inside.

He smiled widely and flew outside again, ready for his first patrol of the city streets. It wasn't long before he heard a scream and flew over to help.

A young man in an All Might hoodie had been backed into an alley by a group of thugs. One of them was slowly approaching them, with spikes that jutted out from his knuckles.

Izuku flew in, solidifying his hand to punch the guy across the face. The thug tried to punch him, but his hand passed right through the vigilante, resulting in him hitting another thug, who was approaching Izuku from behind.

The thug who was hit screamed out in pain, grabbing his stomach where he had been hit. Izuku flew through the first thug, confusing them, before kicking them hard in the temple. The man grabbed his head before collapsing to the floor.

Then, the final thug approached. Izuku sunk through the ground as the thug tried to punch him, causing them to run into a wall. Izuku reappeared behind them and smashed their head into the wall repeatedly until he, also, fell to their knees.

He looked up at the man he had saved. He tried to smile but he couldn't, so instead he just tried to keep a straight face. "Y-you should get out of here, in case they wake up."

The man's face turned to shock, he had been saved by a kid. Izuku reminded himself to get some sort of voice changer before turning to leave the alley.

"Hey!" The man called "What's your name?" Izuku flinched before turning to face him again.

"My name is Phantom."

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