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The hero students regained their footing and peered back over the wall. The building had been flattened, only the back half of it remained.

Heroes swarmed inside, looking for any sign of the villains. One if them spotted Ragdoll and rushed over to her, carrying her out of the ruins so she could be healed.

Izuku recognised all of the heroes swarming the building, some of them he had met himself (if being chased by them counts as meeting them), however, he didn't recognise the man who stumbled out of the rubble.

A black steel mask covered his face, wires and tubes snaking out of it and into the darkness he had emerged from. He wore a suit, neat and tidy, despite the chaos that surrounded him.

The students backed away, praying the man didn't notice them. None of them knew who he was, but even so, he sent a shiver through them, down to their bone marrow.

They watched, horrified, as the heroes were defeated, one by one or all at once they couldn't tell, each defeat blending together in their trembling minds.

They hardly noticed as black sludge spilt out onto the dirt, their eyes focused on the man. Izuku was the first to notice. He gently tapped Rei's shoulder and pointed at it, the others looking over as well.

Shapes began to emerge from the sludge. Fiery blue eyes, glimmering knives, stained red, bony fingers, scraping at bloody skin.

And an explosion of pale blond hair.

Bakugou stood amongst the League, red eyes fixed on the man stood above him, hands ready to attack at a moment's notice.

Izuku took a shakey breath, fear flooding his body, and turned to the others. "W-we have to get Ka-Bakugou."

Rei nodded. "This will probably be the best chance we have. They'll probably get out of here as quickly as they can. We have to act now."

The others nodded, some more reluctantly than others. Izuku glanced over at Bakugou then back at the students surrounding him.

"Right. Um, okay..." Izuku thought for a second then glanced around the others again. "Todoroki, make an ice ramp. Iida, you'll be our engines. The rest of you have to hang on. R-Spectre can use her quirk to pick Bakugou up and to break the wall."

"What about you?" Rei asked. "What are you doing?"

Izuku looked at her with a small smile.

"I'm the diversion."


Bakugou looked around the villains, hoping to see a way out. The villains were listening to the masked man who glared down at them.

"Oh, Shigaraki!" Came a shout from behind him. "You'll never guess who it is!"

Shigaraki turned around and glared. "Vigilante brat!" He yelled, but he didn't move. The other villains turned to glare at the small vigilante. Some of them started getting their weapons and one burst into blue flame, but Shigaraki didn't move.

"So this is Sensei? That mask looks like a life support to me. Did he just look at you for too long?"

Shigaraki flipped the vigilante off but still didn't move to attack. He moved closer. And closer. And closer until he was floating right in front of the villains crumbling face.

"Do you want some lotion?"

The villain's hand shot out and he tried to grab the boy's face, but he flew back and past Shigaraki, flying circled around the other villains, who each attempted to grab him. He flew high above the group and shouted something Bakugou couldn't quite hear.

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