Murderer vs Ally

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After the break, which Izuku managed to get through without encountering Bakugou, Izuku and Rei found their seats in the stands.

Rei had grabbed some more snacks that she started to eat before Mic had even said anything.

Toru had made her way to her classes spot in the stands and was stood, looking down at the crowds, scanning for her two vigilante friends.

Bakugou stormed into the stands and collapsed into the seat next to her. He started scanning the crowd as well, hoping to see the girl. He hadn't seen her during the break and it was unlikely he would ever see her again if he didn't find her before the end of the sports festival.

After a few minutes of waiting, Mic took the stand and announced the first fight. It was some class b kid against Kaminari.

It was obvious how that one would end.

Toru watched the big screen, showing the fights and the orders. After Iida and the support course girl's fight, she was up against Bakugou. She wasn't looking forward to it.

Over in the stands, Izuku and Rei were having the same worries. Luckily, they were in the first row, do could hear some of what was being said and could yell advice. But there wasn't much Toru could do against Bakugou.

Luckily for her, the support girl kept the fight going for a long time, using it as more of an advert of her own inventions than anything. The fight went on for ten minutes before she walked out of bounds.

Toru sat in her preparation room, watching the fight on the screen. She sighed as the fight finished and stood up, ready to head out into the arena.

On the other side, Bakugou was, reluctantly, doing the same. He needed to befriend Toru if he wanted to find put about the girl. Though, he wasn't sure if that was even possible.

Toru was the first to appear, followed closely by Bakugou stomping out from his side of the arena. The two faced each other, Bakugou trying not to glare at her, and only half succeeding.

Present Mic yelled for the match to begin and Bakugou aimed and explosion at Toru, hoping to finish it quickly.

Toru's shirt was blown out of bonds, though Toru had dodged the attack, using the smoke cover to take off her shoes and the rest of her clothes.

She quietly snuck up on Bakugou, as he looked around, trying to see anything that might show him where the invisible girl was.

She leapt at him, grabbing him by the arm and throwing him towards the edge of the arena. He stopped himself and held up a hand, firing an explosion at his attacker.

Toru cursed as the attack grazed her, brushing soor off of her back as quickly as she could.

Bakugou ran at where the sound had come from, missing by less than an inch and he spun around, aiming an explosion near Toru.

Toru nearly screamed as she jumped out of the way, just in time to avoid being barbequed.

"Are you trying to kill me? Surely one victim is enough for you!" She yelled, hoping it was enough to distract him.

It was.

He stopped moving, his face fixed in a look of dismay and regret. Toru ran at him again, pushing him with all her might towards the edge.

He snapped out of his trance, grabbing her wrist and throwing her over the edge. She landed on the grass, rubbing her aching wrist as she glared up at Bakugou, still stood there, unmoving.

Shit, I broke him Toru thought as she stood up. Mic still hadnt announced Bakugous win, probably because they couldn't tell she was out of bounds. You would have though they would have been prepared for this.

"Hey, Midnight? He knocked me out of bounds. I'm down here."

Midnight looked around in shock and stared down at the floor, nowhere near Toru. "Oh! Right. Bakugou wins! Hafakure was knocked out of bounds!" She yelled, hoping that Mic would hear.

After a minute, Mic could be heard through the speakers. "Wait, what? Huh? Oh, Bakugou wins!"

Toru grabbed her clothes from where they were blown to and pulled them on,  brushing ash off them first. She glanced up at Bakugou who had started to move again. He looked angry as he turned and stormed out of the arena.

Toru watched him before turning and doing the same, heading up to where the rest of the class was waiting. Bakugou wasn't there.

She sat down near the entrance, not wanting to walk anymore as her legs ached. She closed her eyes and nearly went to sleep before she felt a hand tap her shoulder. She opened her eyes and squinted up at Rei and Izuku, both frowning down at her.

"Did you use what happened to Izuku to try and win?"

She winced and nodded slowly. Izuku was stood still, biting his nails nervously. "Rei, it's fine. I-I don't mind. It's not like he didn't know."

Rei glared at him. "No, no, it's not okay. What he did is serious! He's the reason you..."

"No, well, sort of. He wasn't the only one. I was weak, and I gave up too soon. It's my fault, not his."

Rei glared at him. "Izuku, you can't just blame yourself for things like this! It's not your fault! You didn't do anything wrong. It was his mistake not yours."

Izuku stared at the floor. "I know your trying to help me, I know that, but this isn't something that can be helped. It's a mistake that's already been made, and that can't be undone. Besides, all you know is what I've told you. You dont know the whole story."

Rei stopped. "What else is there? Izuku?"

Izuku shook his head and turned around. "I'll see you at home."

He didn't look back as he floated through the wall and out of the building, leaving Rei and Toru, with a confused class 1a.


Hello. I have just started writing a villain Deku story called 'Father Figure' so I might not update this as often, but I will try to. Maybe go read that story as well. Thank you for reading my story this far, you're all amazing. ♡♡♡

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