The lone vigilante

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Izuku and Rei were, once again, sat on a rooftop  looking over the city. They are vigilantes, they do this a lot.

Today had not been an uneventful day. So far, they had stopped six robberies, three assaults and one person who was just being an asshole.

Izuku had been flying on patrols around the city for the past few hours, and had only just met up with Rei, who had been stuck at her house the entire time.

Her parents had suddenly decided to start actually teaching her stuff, as they had realised they didn't have long before the provisional licensing exams, that they insisted she had to pass that year so she could start helping out of their agency, meaning she would have less time for her vigilante work.

Pretty soon, Izuku was going to be working alone.


"So, uh, did you see anything?" Rei asked him. She was worn out after her training. Her eyes were half closed and bloodshot, her legs just hanging simply over the edge of the roof.

Izuku sat next to her, or as close as he could without sinking through the building. "Yeah, but I dealt with everything. Though I did see some suspicious people heading into the League of Villains base."

Rei hardly reacted, just stared at the building across the street. "Oh?" She said, unenthusiasticly.

"That broker, Giran, that scarred guy who was sneaking around Endeavour's house and a high school girl with knives." He sighed and scanned the street below. "The league is probably up to something, again. We don't want anything like the USJ to happen again."

Rei nodded. "Yeah we should probably keep an eye on them." She looked up at him with tired eyes. "Do you mind if I go home now, I'm exhausted."

Izuku smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'll watch them, you can just head home. I'll text you what I find."

She smiled and nodded, standing up and waving goodbye to Izuku, jumping down into the nearest alleyway.

Izuku watched her leave and sighed. Soon, this was going to be what it was like all the time.

He stood up and started floating over to the bar the League used. He watched as Giran left the bar before peering in through the wall.

The bar was more full than he had ever seen it. Sat at a table near the back were the two people Izuku had seen with Giran. There was also a man wearing a blue and white body suit talking to himself, a man with a top hat and orange coat and a lizard man.

They were recruiting.

Izuku listened in to the villains' conversation. They didn't reveal much, Shigaraki clearly didn't trust these villains much, or not enough to tell them the plan yet, anyway, but Izuku managed to get the villains' names at least.

He sat there for a while, watching the villains closely. A few more villains arrived and after a while, Shigaraki did start to explain the plan.

Izuku had heard about the training camp from Toru. She had been getting some extra help from him and Rei so she could pass the practical exam. She was super excited about the camp, as was the rest of the class.

Which is why what Shigaraki said made his blood run cold.

"We're going to attack their training camp and capture this brat." He held up a photo to show the others, but Izuku couldn't see it. But he knew it must  be one of Toru's classmates.

Shigaraki lowered the photo and turned around, about to start talking again, but his angry red eyes met Izuku's emerald green and he glared.

Izuku instinctively ducked as a glass was thrown at his face. "Damn vigilante." Shigaraki hissed.

Izuku floated through the floor and reappeared behind Dabi. "Oh, you're the villain who was sneaking around Endeavour's house!"

Dabi spun around and shot fire at him. "Not going to work. But a fire quirk, huh? Interesting. I guess I now know why you were sneaking around Endeavour's."

Dabi leapt at Izuku but he just sunk into the floor and reappeared next to Twice. He grabbed the villain's mask and ripped it off. Twice fell to the floor, holding his hands over his head.

Muscular aimed a punch at Izuku, but it passed right through him and smashed into the wall.

"No, you idiots! Physical attacks don't work on him!" Shigaraki yelled, but he was just ignored.

Toga yelled something about him being cute and tryed to stab him, nearly hitting Spinner, who pulled a sword out and swung at Izuku's head.

Mustard pulled a gun out, but the bullet  just ricocheted off of Moonfish's teeth. Shigaraki was still sat at the bar, his hands over his face, trying to ignore the chaos going on behind him.

By this point, Izuku had left the bar and was floating in the sky above the city, texting Rei. She wasn't responding, so he presumed she had falled asleep.

He texted Toru to make sure, and she confirmed it for him, saying that she was still training for the final exams, that were only two days away. He asked her to send him the location if the training camp as soon as she could, but didn't tell her why.

She was stressed enough over the exams, he didn't want to stress her any more.

He floated back home, knowing that Rei wouldn't be there, like she normally was. She was back at her parents, so they didn't notice her absence, not that they ever had before.

He made his way to his room, glancing up at the All Might poster above his bed, the only hero merch he had taken with him.

He changed out of his vigilante costume, folding it neatly under his bed and pulled on some pyjamas, making his way downstairs.

He tried watching a film, but it was too quiet, without Rei there.

He probably just had to get used to it.

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