The invisible girl

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All Might crashed through the door into the USJ. He started to look around, hoping to see all of his students unharmed.

Then he heard the sobbing.

He didn't recognise the person who was crying. They sat on the floor in the centre of the USJ, villains lying unconscious around them. They seemed to be holding something in their arms, but All Might couldn't see what it was.

On the floor, in front of them, was a large... thing, with its brain visible. It seemed to we unconscious, the same as the other villains.

All Might slowly approached the person. Eventually, he stood other them. Despite, standing over them, he still couldn't see what they were holding.

 "Miss?" The person looked up at him and he realised who they were. He had never met them himsekf, but he'd heard plenty of stories from other heroes.

The vigilante, Spectre.

Spectre surely realised he was there and her eyes shot up at looked at him with both fear and calm. Sadness and joy. Pride and shame.

Her eyes opened wider then narrowed as something wrapped around his body, the end digging into his weak spot. He gritted his teeth to avoid telling in pain, then was suddenly thrown back, across the building.

Rei stood up and surveyed the room, seeing two girls standing at the edge of a rocky area. She drew across the them and half out her arms.

 "Get her out as soon as you can. I'm not sure how badly she's injured, but she's breathing." The two girls have her a look of confusion before realisation crossed their two faces.


One, a girl with black hair, tied back in a ponytail, took the invisible girl from her arms, and, with help from the purple haired girl, carried her through the Rocky area, towards the exit.

Rei watched them to with a grimace and ran back to where the Nomu was. It had a hole through its brain, as it it had been skewered.

Well, it sort of had.

Despite the damage it had, it still seemed to be breathing. It was probably from that regeneration Shigaraki was so proud of. Even from practically dead, it could slowly come back to life as it was before.

Shigaraki started to move again. He shakily pushed himself to his feet, retrieving a hand from the floor. Izuku floated up from the floor and took a fighting stance. Kurogiri also started to regain consciousness and the villains and vigilantes prepared to face off.

 "I am here!" Came a yell from the crater in the wall where All Might had been thrown. "Now, young Spectre, I do not appreciate being thrown."

Izuku raised his eyebrows. "I left to help a student for one minute. Seriously, Spectre?"

 "I took down the Nomu, so that's the most important thing, right?"

 Shigaraki only then seemed to notice the unconscious Nomu lying on the floor. His face  hanged from anger, to hatred, to disbelief. A measly vigilante had taken down his Nomu, his greatest weapon, how!?

Izuku chuckled and smiled over at Rei.

 "Good job, Spectre. We should probably be going now, though. Now that their strongest weapon is down, the League has nothing left to right with. No way to achieve their goals. They'll probably just leave."

 He gave a pointed glare at Shigaraki who grimaced and turned to Kurogiri. "Let's go, Kurogiri. But first,"

 Shigaraki leapt at one of the students, stood in the shallow waters. His hand wrapped around the girl's face, but it didn't decay. Izuku ripped the villain off of her, and stood between them.

Rei positioned herself behind Shigaraki, in fighting stance. "I think it's time you left."

 Shigaraki seemed to start to have a temper tantrum. Kurogiri, seemingly used to this, just opened a portal, and the two left.

Rei sighed and tell to her knees. "I should have believed you when you said they were scary. Those weren't real hands, right?"

Izuku shrugged, running his fingers through his wig. He couldn't wait to get home and take this thing off. "Maybe, I wouldn't be surprised.  Kurogiri's scarier though. Remember when I told you about the time he caught me?"

 "You mean when you came home screaming like a girl?"

 "I didn't! And even if I did, Kurogiri is terrifying! Also-"

Izuku stopped talking and tell to his knees, gripping at his chest. He took a sharp breath and bent over. He tried breathing deeply, but that wasn't enough to stop himself from screaming.


 Rei looked down at him, panicked, then turned around and looked at Aizawa, whose eyes were glowing red as he stated at Izuku.

She ran over to him and put her hands over his eyes.

 "Don't use your quirk on him! He'll die! His quirk is the only thing keeping him alive! Unless you want an innocent boy's blood on your hands, don't! Use! Your! Quirk!"

 She removed her hands and Aizawa's hair dropped. She signed and ran back to Izuku, picking him up, only taking a minute to question how she could, and using her quirk to fly through the door and across the city, back home.

She placed Izuku down on the bed, tucking him in. Her phone binged and she was a message from her parents, telling her to go to the hospital, her sister had been injured. She changed out of her costume and wrote a note for Izuku to read when he woke up.

She glanced back at him and shut the door behind her, running across the street, making her way to the hospital, where her parents were waiting for her. They lead her up to Toru's room and Rei took her seat next to her sister.

Toru shifted slightly in the bed, her eyes, pressumably, opening. Rei liked to imagine that she's smiling, as her hand grabbed her sister's.

Toru whispers to her sister, just quiet enough that their parents can't hear them.

"Thank you for saving me, Spectre."

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