The Hero Killer

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Izuku and Rei sat in silence as they watched the people passing below them. Every now and then, one would point up at them, saying something about vigilantes or heroes.

It was a boring night.

So far, nothing had happened. There had been a mugging, but a hero reached them first. Other than that, it had been a quiet night.

Rei sighed and lay back on the rooftop. "Why is nothing happening?! This place is usually full of criminals."

Izuku didn't look at her as he spoke. "Something must be happening. We should keep an eye on the news, and see if anything unusual is happening near here."

Rei took out her phone and opened the news. "Nothing. Anywhere. It's like villains are taking the night off. Wait a minute..."

Izuku glanced over at her phone and stared. "We need to get to Hosu. Now!"

Rei nodded and the two of them flew over buildings and across country side, ignoring people yelling and any heroes who noticed them.

Eventually, they saw the light of fires burning in the distance and heard screaming and crashing. They landed on a rooftop and looked down in horror at the scene below them.

Bodies littered the streets, blood covering every inch. Broken glass covered the floor and fires raged as far as the eye could see.

And, barely a hundred meters away, stood a monster.

"Nomu..." Izuku muttered, staring at the beast. "The League is behind this."

Rei gulped as she nodded, staring at the beast. She had managed to take down the one at the USJ, but she could barely remember anything. It had all been a blur.

She probably couldn't do it again.

"Hey!" A hero yelled up to them. "What are you doing, get out of here!"

Izuku looked at the hero, recognising him as the Normal hero Manuel. Toru had said that one of her classmates was interning with him. Tanya Iida, the younger brother of Ingenium, a hero who was nearly killed in this very city.

"Spectre, you work on evacuating citizens, avoid a fight where you can. I'll meet you when I can."

"Wait, where are you..." he leapt off the rooftop, flying off somewhere "going..."

She sighed and glanced back at the nomu, before flying off in the opposite direction.

Izuku searched every dark alleyway he could find, hoping to save Toru's classmate before he made a grave mistake. Or got killed.

Finally, he heard someone yelling in a nearby alley and dove into it, landing between Iida and the hero killer. He smirked, holding his hand out to Stain.

"I'm Phantom, nice to meet you, Stain. Now, as a fellow vigilante, I'd like to request that you let the kid go."

Stain pointed a knife at Izuku's throat. "And why would I do that? He came to find me, with the intention to kill me."

Izuku pushed the knife away. "He has good reason to. I believe you attacked and almost killed his older brother. From what I heard, he's been forced into retirement."

Iida stared up at the vigilante, silently wishing he would leave, but this vigilante had saved his life, and the lives of the rest of his class, so he wanted to, at least, be polite.

"Sorry, but I'm going to need you to get out of my way." Stain asked, raising his knife again.

"Well, I tried to be polite about it, but, if you insist." Izuku flew at Stain, who held his arms up to block, but instead of attacking, Izuku flew right through him, before turning and kicking him in the back of the head.

Stain fell forward a bit before turning and rushing at the vigilante, his knives and swords passing right through.

"That's not going to work." Izuku said, floating in mid air as Stain kept on attacking. "You can't hit me."

Izuku looked up at Iida, making eye contact, then mouthed for him to run. Iida shook his head and Izuku mouthed again.

'Please run.' He mouthed, looking pleadingly at the hero in training. Iida, reluctantly, left the alley, but only went around the corner, ready to jump in again when he saw an opportunity.

"You can stop now. The kid's gone. And I have some questions for you anyway." Stain stopped attacking and checked to see that Iida had left.

Izuku smiled at him. "Tell me everything you know about the League if Villains."

Stain glared at Izuku. "I'm not telling you anything."

Izuku shrugged. "I guess not." He waved before floating out onto the street and grabbing Iida by the arm, pulling him along until they were far enough away from the hero killer.

"Why did you stop me?" Iida asked.

Izuku smiled down at him. "Because you want to be a hero, like your brother, right? You shouldn't throw away your dream do easily, you should fight for it, that's what your brother wants you to do."

"Also," he chuckled slightly, "Toru would kill me if I let her class rep do something like that."

Izuku quickly flew off before Iida could think over what he had just said. Iida watched the vigilante as he flew off, one though circling around his head.

'Hagakure knows him.'

"Hey! Iida!" Manuel spotted Iida and ran over to him. "Where'd you go?"


So, school's been closed because of Corona virus, so I'll probably be writing more than normal. Sorry if this chapter isn't very good, or is too short, but I have something big planned for this story soon, so that should make up for it. ♡♡♡

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