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It ad been a whole month since Izuku had become a vigilante. Of course, as a vigilante, he wasn't exactly well known, but he would sometimes hear people talking about him as he walked past. "Isn't that the vigilante Hawks was chasing?" "Huh? Did Endeavor fail to catch him?"

Anytime anyone saw him, they always just recognized him due to his encounters with heroes. He wasn't surprised though, he had become a vigilante, at least partially, because of the lack of fame. The idea of interviews and stuff frightened him more than villains did.

But, that was about to change.

He was on his normal patrol, nothing out of the ordinary. At this time of the night, he didn't have to do much fighting, mostly it was helping people out. Then, somewhere not to far away, he heard a scream.

He excused himself, as he was helping some people who were lost, before flying over a building and over to an alley.

In the alley was a girl, not too much older than him, being slowly backed into the wall. She had a bob of brown hair and brown eyes that scanned the people around her.

"I-I just need to go home. My parents will be worried about me." One of the thugs smiled at her.

"Don't worry, beautiful, we won't take too long." Izuku gritted his teeth and lept into the alley, landing on the thug, pushing him to the floor and slamming his head into the ground.

"You okay?" He asked the girl. He had gotten better at changing his voice without needing a voice changer. Now, his voice was lower, making him sound a lot older than he was.

She nodded sheepishly. He smiled at her and turned to fight the other thug but found that they had already been knocked out. A girl stood over them, her face also hidden by a mask, not too dissimilar from Izuku's.

She had a skin tight body suit on, with a utility belt lined with knives. She also had a cape with a hood that covered her hair, though wisps of pale blue could be seen. She looked up at Izuku with pale blue eyes. Her mouth slowly opened.

The girl who the thugs had attacked had already run, leaving Izuku alone with the strange girl who walked up to him with a emotionless expression. Just as she reached him, her mouth broke out into a wide smile and her eyes started to glitter with excitement.

"Oh my God! Are you Phantom?! I'm your biggest fan! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you! You're my hero! You inspired me to become a vigilante! Can I have your autograph?! The girl reached into her pocket and pulled out a notebook, handing it to Izuku.

Izuku just stared at her, his brain trying to comprehend what she meant. Something clicked and he took the notebook from her hand, as well as a pen she handed him, writing his autograph on the page.

She took back the notebook and stared down at the autograph, her eyes still shining with excitement.She looked back up at him, smiling even wider than before, with tears in her eyes. "Thank you! Oh my God, I still can't believe I'm meeting you! You're amazing!"

Izuku rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Th-thank you?" It seemed more like a question than a statement. He hadn't quite managed to get his head around it yet. He had a fan? Someone who wanted to be like him?

The girl's eyes opened wider than before. "Woah! Your voice is so much higher than I thought it would be! You must be around the same age as me! Oh, I'm Spectre, by the way! I named myself after you! I thought the ghost thing was really cool!"

Izuku covered his mouth. In his confusion, he must have forgotten to change his voice like he normally would. Spectre didn't seem to bother changing her voice at all, her voice was quite high pitched, so he guessed they would be around the same age.

"Oh, don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Like I said, you're my hero, so I wouldn't say anything that would get you in trouble." She seemed to think for a moment. "How about I tell you my name? That way, you can trust me, right?"

Spectre smiled widely, watching for Izuku's response. In the end, he just slowly nodded and she smiled widely and held out her hand to him. "My name is Rei Hagakure. My parents are the pro heroes Zero and Marine."

Izuku's eyes opened wide. "Wait, Zero and Marine? The invisibility hero and the squid hero? Maybe you have Zero's quirk, invisibility since I didn't see you before. Though I wasn't looking for anyone else, so maybe you have something more like Marine's though the possibilities are endless..."

Izuku started to mutter and Rei laughed, nudging his shoulder. "Invisible tentacles."


"My mother Marine's quirk squid means that she had tentacles, like a squid's. I have tentacles as well, though they're invisible, since my father's quirk means that he can turn invisible." Izuku thought for a moment then smiled up at her.

"Izuku Midoriya. That's my name. I'm not anyone special though." Izuku slowly took his mask off and pushed his hood off. He reached up and took his wig off feeling his green hair spring free.

Now it was Rei's turn to look confused. After a minute she broke out into a wide smile.

"Izuku Midoriya... Nice name. Though, you are special, okay. Like I said, you inspired me to become a vigilante. That make you pretty special, to me at least."

She then took off her mask and wig. She had watery blue eyes and pale skin, and her hair was so pale that it almost appeared see through. She also had a scar running across her cheek, just under her eye. The scar was an ugly red colour, like a blade had been run across her clear skin.

He held her hand out to her, with a small smile. "Allies?" he asked. She took off her glove, revealing pale fingers, dotted with small scars, and took his hand, smiling widely up at him.

"Allies." She responded. "Now, come on. My parents have a safe house not far from here, but it's basically mine now. We can crash there for a while, figure some stuff out."

Izuku nodded and she turned, being lifted into the air as if by and invisible force and carried over the buildings, Izuku floating by her side, smiling widely, his first proper smile since his death.

Maybe things would be okay, just maybe.

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