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Though he couldn't see her, Bakugou could feel Toru's anger radiating off of her. "What the fuck, Bakugou!? You better start talking and give me a good reason why you said that! You were supposed to be his friend for this sake!"

 Bakugou sat in the corner of the empty classroom, his head between his knees, hoping that Toru couldn't see him crying. "I didn't think he would... Actually do it."

 Toru's glare seemed to burn into the back of his head. "You told him to do it, you don't get to be surprised when he does! You were around each other all the time, you should have been able to see he was struggling, because, believe it or not, people don't just randomly throw themselves off roofs!"

 The door burst open and Toru looked up to see Aizawa standing there, glaring at her. "Hagakure, what were you doing to Bakugou?"

She backed into the wall, wishing she could walk through it, just like Izuku. "Uh, we were just talking."

 "He's in a corner, and appears to be crying."

 "Uh," Toru glanced down at Bakugou. "Would you believe me if I said that had nothing to do with me?" Aizawa narrowed his eyes at her and she smiled innocently.

 "Its my fault." Bakugou said, not looking up. "I deserve it. I-I did something bad, this is just a punishment. I deserve it. Every bit of it."

 Toru bit her cheek to stop herself from agreeing with him. Aizawa sighed. "You two, come with me. We're getting to the bottom of this."

 Bakugou slowly stood up, wiping his eyes and staring at the floor. Toru followed, anger still radiating off of her.

Aizawa lead them to Nezu's office and the two reluctantly walked in. Nezu looked up at the three and nodded to Aizawa. Toru and Bakugou seat down opposite the principle, Aizawa standing behind them with his arms crossed, glaring at the back of Toru's head.

 "What's happened now?" Nezu sighed. "Perhaps Toru knows something about Bakugou's panic attacks?

Aizawa nodded. "I found her yelling at him in an empty classroom. He claims he deserved it."

 Bakugou still stared at his shoes. He could even bring himself to speak, yet alone yell. Toru had figured out what he did. He knew what a monster he was. She would tell everyone else and...

 "He sort of does." Toru sat back in the chair, crossing her arms over her stomach. "Murderer."

Bakugou sunk into his chair, still staring at his own feet. "Okay, why don't you explain what you mean by that, Miss Hagakure?"

 Toru seemed to sink into her chair as well. She didn't want to protect Bakugou, but this seemed like something personal to Izuku. It felt like his secret to tell, it wasn't her business.

 "It's not my secret to tell." She said quietly, staring at her own feet. She wiped her eyes, feeling tears begin to roll down her face. She wished she could talk to Izuku, see what he thought.

Nezu looked back at Bakugou but the boy didn't move, he just stared at the floor, thoughtful. The principle sighed again. Looks like he was going to have to investigate himself.

The two students were herded back to class, but neither of them said a word all lesson. All they did was glance at each other, either with regret or anger. Even when Aizawa announced the fast approaching sports festival, neither moved an inch.


Izuku finished tying up the villain they had just found and Rei helped him to carry him to the police station, where they dumped him.

they headed home and changed out of their costumes. Izuku floated by the kitchen table, cleaning the blood off one of his knives while Rei watched him carefully.

 "Toru won't tell anyone." Izuku looked up at Rei. "She always keeps secrets, I wouldn't have brought her here if I didn't think she would."

 Izuku shook his head, laying the knife on the table. "It's not that, I'm worried about what she'll do to Kacc- Bakugou."

 Rei shrugged. "She'll probably talk to him, but she won't give anything away. She'll probably let him know that she knows, but nothing more. She won't tell him about you being... Alive? Are you alive?"

 Izuku shrugged. "I don't know. But, the UA sports festival is coming up, right? We should watch. I can wear a disguise, you won't have to. Please?"

 Rei smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure I can sort that out." Izuku smiled wider at her.

 "Thank you!"

 "You can wear the same disguise you side for the entrance exams!" 

 "No way."


Thank you! I never imagined that so many people would read my story. Thank you so much to everyone who's read this far. You're all amazing <3

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