The training camp attack

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Izuku was the first one to see the blue flames that engulfed the forest. He started flying faster towards where the flames had originated but heard Rei start coughing behind him.

"Gas..." she said, between coughs. Pink gas was swirling below them. Izuku peered through the fog and spotted someone, unconscious on the floor.

"I'll get her and defeat the villain, you go get anyone else and send then back to that building over there. Defeat any villains you see."

Rei nodded, her hand over her mouth. Izuku flew down into the fog, landing next to the girl. She had purple hair and earphone jacks dangling from her ears. He went to pick her up but noticed Toru's unconscious form beside her.

He gritted his teeth. His quirk made it impossible to pick them both up at the same time. He looked up and gazed though into the centre in the fog and glanced back at the two girls lying on the floor.

He flew through the fog, glancing around for the villain. He heard a shout from deep in the fog and flew to where the sound originated.

Two students were fighting the villain. He didn't recognise them, so he presumed they were from class 1b. He waited until they had the villain distracted and ran in, punching the villain in the back of the head.

The villain fell to the floor and Izuku pinned him down, handing the unconscious villain. The two students looked up at the vigilante through the dispersing fog.

"I'm Phantom. If you two head in that direction," he pointed back where he had come from "you'll find two others. Take them back to the building. Get back to your teachers."

He left before the two of them could respond. He floated high above the forest, watching the trees carefully, hoping to see a villain or students to save.

A scream echoed from a cliff, over looking the forest.

A child's scream.

He flew, as quick as he could, to the cliff and saw a young boy wearing a red cap, crawling away from a villain, covered in muscle.

He solidified his feet and flew at the villain, kicking him a hard in the face. The villain barely reacted and turned back to Izuku, ignoring the child.

"Huh, you're that vigilante." He smiled widely. "I can kill you."

The villain ran at him, but he just passed through Izuku. He kept on attacking, and just passing through Izuku. Izuku knew he couldn't attack. He wasn't strong enough to fight the villain by himself.


Izuku watched the villain attack again. He had thought of this attack month ago but had never attempted it. Mostly because it would kill the person he used it on.

He glanced at the child, who watched him with fear and hope, both swirling in his eyes. Izuku turned back to the villain.

He had to. He had to save the boy.

He reach his hand out, passing through the man's skin and solidified his hand around the man's heart. He clamped his eyes shut as he squeezed the muscle beneath his hand. All he had to do was to get his heart beat out of rhythm.

The man grabbed at his chest and gritted his teeth. Izuku squeezed again and the man fell to his knees, screaming as pain erupted in his chest. Izuku let go and removed his hand, watching as the man fell to the floor and stopped breathing.

He had killed him.

"W-what did you so?" The boy asked.

Izuku shook himself from his stupor and looked at the boy, wiping his hand on his clothes.

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