Nighteye agency

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Toru flopped on the sofa, gripping her stomach. "Mirio's meant to be my friend. You would think he would be nicer to me at least."

Rei looked down at her with a grin. "I'm sure he has his reasons. Why were you fighting him anyway? He's a third year."

Toru rolled over on the sofa and groaned. "Something about work studies. He was meant to show us the 'strength of UA's big three' or something. At least he was nice enough to say I could do my work study at the same agency as him."

Izuku wandered in, trying to solidify his hand inside a knife. So far, nothing was happening. "Aren't work studies meant to be for the older years only? First years don't do them."

Toru buried her face in a cushion, making it look like the cushion had a weird face shaped imprint. "Something about all the villain attacks happening. That's why we took part in the provisional licensing exams. Can I have a pain killer, or something? I'm going to bruise all over."

Izuku sat down next to her, and threw something at her. "These are the best for bruising. Take one. Who is Mirio studying with, then?"

Toru shrugged. "I'm not sure who he is. Someone called Sir Nighteye."

Izuku froze in place and turned to stare down at Toru.

"Sir Nighteye? You're going to work with Sir Nighteye?" He jumped up from where he was standing, looking like he was going to explode from excitement. "His quirk is amazing! He can predict the future, but the conditions needed to activate his quirk are unknown. If you find out what they are, you need to tell me! He's also the only sidekick All Might has ever had!"

Rei snorted. "Calm down, fanboy. It's not even confirmed if she's working with him. He has to chose, it's not up to Mirio."

Izuku stuck his tongue out at her. "Yeah, but, there's no way he'll say no. This is Toru! How could he say no!?"

Toru smiled through the pain. "Thanks, Izuku."


Toru nervously followed Mirio into the office and she was very grateful her expressions couldn't be seen.

A tall man with green and yellow hair stood next to a machine where a blue skinned woman was strapped. It appeared that the machine was tickling her. Toru glanced up at Mirio, but he didn't look bothered. She looked back at the man.

Please tell me that isn't Sir Nighteye.

"Sir," Mirio was the first to speak. "This is Toru Hagakure, the first year I told you about."

The man stopped and looked over at the pair. He glared at Toru, looking annoyed. Toru remembered what Izuku had said, maybe his quirk required eye contact?

"Hello, sir. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

He looked away and walked over to his desk. "You think you have what it takes to be a great hero?"

She gulped. Mirio had said he liked jokes, so she had expected some a bit more... light hearted.

"Maybe not, but I have what it takes to save people. That's what's important as a hero, not hero ranking and being seen. But I guess I would say that, since I'm at a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to being seen."

Sir Nighteye's expression didn't change. How was she meant to make him laugh? He looked to serious to smile, yet alone laugh. She felt like she was supposed to be apologising to him.

He continued glaring at her, then pushed his glasses up his nose. "I struggle to believe that you don't care for hero rankings. A good ranking leads to money and fame. You claim you don't care for either of these things?"

Toru looked down at her feet. "During the USJ attack, I was seriously hurt. It was a vigilante who saved me, someone who doesn't get for money or fame, but still work hard to save others."

Sir Nighteye stood up and walked over to her, placing his hand on her shoulder. It might have been a supportive gesture, but his continuous glare showed other wise.

She smiled slightly. "You need eye contact and physical contact to use your quirk, don't you?"

He dropped her shoulder and stepped back, his firm expression momentarily breaking. "You are observant. What gave it away?"

She smiled a smile noone could see. "You looked annoyed when you saw me and there was no other reason for you to touch me. Though it was mostly a guess." She smiled down at the ground and muttered to herself. "Izuku must be rubbing off on me."

Sir Nighteye continued glaring down at her. "It seems I'm unable to use my quirk on you. You realise how dangerous this might be for you."

"It's dangerous for everyone. I knew that when I joined UA."

Sir Nighteye nodded then turned to Mirio. "What do you think Mirio? Do you think she's strong enough to be useful?"

Mirio perked up and nodded eagerly. "Yes, sir. I do."

Sir Nighteye sat back at his desk. "Fine. You can study under me. Your quirk may be useful in the case we're currently investigating. Be here tomorrow morning. We're having a meeting with all the other agencies who are helping with this case."

Toru stood up straight, smiling widely, and looked up at Sir Nighteye.

"Yes, sir!"

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