An old enemy

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Izuku's face turned determined and he flew at Overhaul, aiming a kick at his head.

The villain was quick to react, turning and trying to grab Izuku's leg, but it just passed right through him.

Mirio took advantage of the distraction and grabbed Eri. He started to run when the floor broke, spikes appearing out of nowhere.

Mirio cradled Eri close to his chest as he avoided the spears that stabbed at them, the ground itself turning against them.

Izuku attacked Overhaul again, keeping an eye on Mirio as he protected the terrified girl. He had to protect them, whatever the cost.

As he attacked again, he said a small prayer in his mind, hoping that, if there was a god, they heard it.

Please, he prayed, keep them safe, and make sure Rei gets here quickly.


Rei wasn't surprised when she saw those two familiar faces appear. She had warned Nighteye that it was likely that they would be there and now, she was fighting against them.

"Can you take your mask off, please?" Toga asked, grinning widely as she spun a knife in her hand. "I want to be able to see your cute face when I cut you."

Rei quickly dodged as Toga ran at her, her knife shimmering red with the blood of the pro hero lying at Rei's feet. Rei glanced down at the pro hero, hoping they were still alive.

Though if they're dead, she thought, I could use them as a shield. She winced at her own thought, hating herself for thinking it, yet knowing that it might give her the advantage, if she was forced to do it.

She backed away from Toga's knife and her back hit the wall. She cursed to herself. She had let herself be cornered in a small space. In too small an area, she couldn't get her tentacles out, making her quirk completely useless unless she could find a wider space.

She maybe should have mentioned this weakness to Nighteye, though the heroes still think she has a short range telekinetic quirk.

Toga sprinted at her, her knife shooting forward, towards Rei's head.

Rei ducked, hearing the clang of metal slamming into stone. She kicked Toga's legs, knocking the villain to the floor, and grabbed the knife, felling blood drip off of the blade and onto her hand.

She blinked down at the girl in front of her, momentarily hesitating before slamming the knife through Toga's right hand.

Toga yelped as Rei yanked the knife out of her hand. Rei leaned back against the wall, hoping to catches her breath, closely watching the villain, still lying on the floor, clutching her hand to her chest, gritting her pointed teeth.

Rei sighed, relaxing slightly as Toga didn't seem to be trying to fight her anymore, and stepped over the villain, when something knocked her feet out from under her.

In an instant, Toga had her pinned to the floor, a sadistic grin growing on her face as she reached for Rei's mask, ripping it from her face.

Rei wriggled underneath her, trying to shake her off, or, at the very least, get her mask back.

Toga just giggled, raising a knife to the squirming vigilantes face.

Rei felt the knife prick the corner of her eye, where he scar was.

"You're so pretty, Spectre! If it wasn't for this ugly scar, you'd you totally my type! Maybe I should just," the knife dug in deeper, but Rei gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to scream, "cut it off."

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