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Toru followed after Mirio, hoping he knew where they were headed. Nighteye had told them to meet him in one of the agency's meeting rooms. There was going to be a meeting between all of the pro hero agencies who were helping with the Shie Hassaikai case.

Toru had only done one patrol yesterday, and she had ended up getting separated from Mirio because she saw a lost kid and he didn't realise she wasn't following. She should have worn her clothes.

For Mirio, it had been an exciting patrol, and he ran into Overhaul, the villain they were working to apprehend, however, Toru had spent most of it trying to call Mirio, who had left his phone back at the agency.

It had not been a fun day.

Mirio pushed open the door to the meeting room and peered inside, before leading Toru in.

The room was filled with pro heroes and UA students. Toru recognised Fatgum and Ryukyu, as Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsu had been telling her about them. Izuku had also told her a story about when Fatgum tried to catch him while he was on patrol.

Uraraka spotted her immediately and waved at her from her seat next to Ryukyu. Toru waved back, happy she was wearing her gloves.

She and Mirio took their seats, next to Nighteye. They were the last two to arrive, so the meeting started.

Mirio had to retell the story of his meeting with Overhaul, a story that made Toru's skin crawl, and Nighteye started to explain everything that was known about the villains.

When he was finished, Aizawa stood up and turned to Nighteye. "I think I know some people who would be useful for this case."

There was a mutter around the room. Aizawa gushed them before continuing. "The vigilantes Phantom and Spectre. I know someone who is contact with them and I'm sure they will be more than willing to cooperate."

His eyes flicked to Toru and she gave him a thumbs up. The two were planning on helping already. The had been getting as much info from Toru as they could, hoping it would be enough.

"Vigilanteism is illegal. They don't have hero licenses so they cannot help us. We will not work with them."

Toru slammed her hands on the table and stood up. "Why not? They work to save people, the same as we do. They do the same things that heroes do. They have saved my life multiple times. I was seriously injured at the USJ attack. I'm still alive because of those vigilantes. They are not villains. We can trust them. That, I can guarantee."

"Yeah!" Uraraka jumped to her feet. "Before I got into UA, I was once attacked by thugs on my way home. Those vigilantes saved me. They're the reason I want to be a hero. Not to mention what they've done at the USJ and Kamino ward."

Nighteye sighed. "That may be, but..."

Kirishima was the next to stand up. "Phantom and Spectre helped me save my best friend. They saved Bakubro, despite," he paused. He was probably going to say about Izuku's past with Bakugou. "Despite the fact that they had no reason to. They are heroes, even if the law says otherwise!"

"That's not how this works..." Nighteye tried to tell them.

"Sir," Mirip stood "with all due respect, we may need them to help us. Phantom's quirk will allow us to find the girl quickly and to protect her before pros can get there."

Fatgum stood up. "Yes, and Spectre has a useful quirk as well, one that will make it more likely that we can save the girl. A short range telekenisis quirk like that is incredibly versatile."

Toru tried not to react. She had forgotten that the heroes thought Rei had a telekinetic quirk.

Nighteye glared at all the people standing. "Fine. Eraserhead, contact them. We will hold another meeting at the same time tomorrow with the vigilantes so we can deside if they will be of use to us."

Aizawa nodded and looked at Toru  who gave him another big thumbs up. She looked up at Mirio who was also smiling. She was going to get to work with Izuku and Rei.

She happily skipped out of the meeting room, grabbing her phone from her bag, ready to call Izuku and Rei, to give them the news, when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned to see Nighteye standing there, glaring at her. "Sir?" She asked nervously.

"You were quick to defend the vigilantes. You must trust them, more than you should. Sometimes, you need to be more doubtful towards others. Being trusting is not always a good thing, Poltergeist."

Toru smiled widely. It was the first time she had heard someone call her by her hero name. She was a real hero now.

Nighteye left and she picked up her phone, calling Izuku, still grinning widely, remembering her hero name.

The ghost hero: Poltergeist.

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