The cavalry battle

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Izuku and Rei cheered for Toru during the obstacle race, both screaming with joy when she made it through to the next round.

The cavalry battle.

Izuku watched as people got into teams. Toru's quirk wasn't very good for this, so she needed a strong team if she was going to make it through.

He had watched everyone else during the obstacle race and figures the best team would be with the tape boy, Hanta Sero, the gravity manipulator, Ochaco Uraraka (who looked strangely familiar) and the octopus boy, Mezo Shoji.

 "Toru!" He yelled, "Go with Uraraka, Sero and Shoji! Get her to float you and have Shoji throw you at other teams! Sero can use his tape to pull you back!"

 If she was surprised he remembered their names, she didn't say anything. She just walked over to the three and started talking to them. Luckily none of them had picked teams already and agreed to work with her after hearing the plan.

Rei gave Izuku a big smile and turned back to watching the students as they rushed to get into their teams. Bakugou had teamed up with Eijiro Kirishima, Mina Ashido and Denki Kaminari. 

Endeavour's son had struggled to find a team, as he had come first in the obstacle race, but eventually, he teamed up with Tenya Iida, Momo Yaoyorozu and a support course student called Mei Hatsume.

After the time for finding teams was up, everyone moved to their starting places and Mic yelled for the battle to start.

Bakugou's team ran straight at Todoroki's, Bakugou flying off in a desperate attempt to grab the half and half boy's headband. Todoroki threw him backwards with his ice and Bakugou had to grab at Kirishima to stop himself from hitting the floor.

 "You half and half bastard!" He yelled, aiming an explosion at Todoroki's head.

 "Dude, that's not very heroic." Kirishima commented, grabbing Bakugou to stop him falling off. " and you need to stay here, Sero joined another team so we can't use him to pull you back. "

 "Yeah, I know that shitty hair!" He yelled, making another attempt at Todoroki's headband.

Toru's team stayed near the corner, watching as each of the teams fought. They had managed to get quite a few headbands already, and most of the teams hadn't noticed.

Toru's invisibility meant that no-one saw her coming and Sero four easily pull her back before she got attacked. The only problem was that they could see the headbands around her neck, but no-one really seemed to notice those either.

In amongst the chaos, they went unnoticed. For a while, at least.

 "Woah, what's this? It looks like most of the teams have lost their points!" Mic yelled. All the teams seemed to glance at the leader board, seeing Team Hagakure in we one place, with only Bakugou and Todoroki's teams with any other points.

 Every team seemed to simultaneously turn to Toru's team, wanting to take back their list points. 

Sero looked at all the people running at them. "Hagakure, you're our stratagist, what do we do?"

 Toru sat in silence, and looked up at Izuku. Izuku thought for a minute and put his hands together, fingertips touching. Toru nodded and turned to Uraraka.

 "Float us!"

 Uraraka nodded and touched each of them, floating them into the sky where the other teams couldn't get them. Toru gripped onto Sero's shirt and turned back to Uraraka. "How long can you keep us floating for?"

 Uraraka shrugged. She was already turning green. "I can't float myself for long before getting nauseous."

 Toru glanced at the timer.  "Three minutes left. Can you manage that?"

 "I'll try."

 Izuku stared at the team in the sky, growing more nervous as Uraraka started turning various shares of green. His eyes were fixed on Toru, silently praying that she would make it through.

He didn't notice the eyes fixed on him.

Bakugou's team came to a halt as Bakugou started staring at someone on the stands. He ignored his teams attempts at getting his attention, just staring at her.

It was the girl from the entrance exams.

She was here.

He had to speak to her.

The rest of his team were screaming to him as they ran around, avoiding Todoroki's attacks. Eventually, Denki hit Bakugou to snap him out of his trance like state.

 "The fuck was that for you dunce-face motherfucker?"

 Denki nervously pointed at Todoroki and Bakugou looked over at them. But needing care. He just wanted this event to be over so he could find that girl. The one who reminded him of Deku. The one who looked at him with such fierce determination. The one who had called him Kacchan.

He half heartedly fought Todoroki, his eyes still flicking between the girl and the timer. Her eyes were fixed on the team in the sky. Maybe she was the one who told Toru about Deku. That would make sense.

The girl next to her said something to her and she pulled her eyes away from the sky, saying something back. She squinted up at the sky and  mimed something, sticking her elbow out then pointing around the arena.

Only a second later, tape shot from the centre of the arena, wrapping around the metal bars holding up the partial roof that covered the stands. The tape made a small area in the centre of the arena, high above the ground, where Toru's team sat, and Uraraka released her quirk, nodding her thanks to Toru.

 "I didn't know you were such a good stratagist, Hagakure."

 Toru shrugged, looking over at Izuku with a smile. "I'm not, but I know someone who is." She looked to Uraraka with a wide smile that no-one could see. "They're a great hero."

 "The greatest hero I will ever meet."

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