Break and a new friend

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Toru walked out into the cafeteria where competitors and friends were eating. She looked around, hoping to see Izuku and Rei. Eventually, she saw them, sat in the corner of the room, trying to avoid Mineta.

"Suck a dick you grapey fuck." Rei yelled at him, kicking him in the face as he tried to look up the skirt.

Toru laughed and Izuku looked up at her, looking more afraid than she had ever seen him, stood halfway into the wall.

Rei kicked Mineta again and smiled up at her sister. "Toru! You were great! Who is this fucker? He says he's in your class."

Toru walked over to them, flipping Mineta off. "He is, unfortunately. You okay there, Izumi?"

Izuku nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off Mineta. His eyes then suddenly shot up and he sunk into the floor.

"Hey, invisibitch." Bakugou stomped over to them. Toru narrowed her eyes and Rei resisted the urge to punch him.

He looked over at Rei. "Your the alleyway girl."

"Yeah. Fuck do you want?"

"Where's the girl you were sat with?" Rei felt a shiver run down her spine. Why was he interested in where Izuku was? Had he seen through his disguise.

"I don't see why it's any of your business. You want to torment her as well? Do you not remember what happened last time?"

Bakugou stopped moving and started at her, before looking at the floor, his arms dropping to his sides.

"No. I just wanna... Whatever. I deserve it."

Mineta watched in confusion as Bakugou turned and left, staring at the ground.

Toru crossed her arms and glared at him. "You can come out now, Izumi. He's gone."

Izuku's head peeped through the floor and he reappeared, standing behind Rei. "Thanks. He's scarier than Shigaraki and that purple-scar guy we saw sneaking around Endeavour's house combined."

Rei laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that guy. You remember the way he looked at the half and half boy?"

"Wait, you mean Todoroki?" Toru asked, pointing her elbow towards the red and white haired boy.

"Yeah. He either knew him and missed him a lot or was going to do something to him."

"Ew." Toru winced.

"I wanna ask Todoroki about him, but I'm not sure how to start that conversation. 'Hey, Todoroki, I was once sneaking around your house, don't ask why, and saw this creepy looking guy. Any idea who he was?'"

Toru snorted. "Yeah, maybe not. Maybe offer to kill his dad first. He thinks noone can tell, but he has serious daddy issues."

"W-what?" Mineta stares up at them, his mouth wide.

"Oh, I forgot he was here. Do you think he'll tell anyone about this? I mean, sneaking around the no.2 hero's house is usually seen as suspicious."

"Nah, he's a coward. He wont tell anyone, riiiiight?" Toru leant down and glared at Mineta. "Right?"

Mineta paled and nodded slowly.

"Good. Now, go away. I'll pretent  I didn't see you looking up Izumi's skirt."

Izuku squealed and grabbed the skirt of his dress, stepping into the wall. Rei snorted. "At least Bakuhoe left."

"Yeah, he's probably off crying somewhere, feeling sorry for himself. Bastard."

Izuku smiled up at Rei who grinned back at him and grabbed Toru by the arm. "Come on! You need to get some food! You have some fights to win!"

Toru and Rei are quickly, all too aware of the green eyes that watched them.

Izuku hadnt though of himself as a food lover but he missed food. He hadn't been able to eat since he died, and he had tried to, lots of times. It never worked out.

"What does it taste like? I always wanted to try Lunch Rush's food. It's said to be the best."

Rei looked up at him, forcing a smile. She hated that she had only met Izuku after his death, even though that didn't seem real to her. He was just... there. So alive, that's how he always seemed, even if he was anything but.

"It's good. It's not too hot but not to cold either, slightly spicy but not enough that you have to have a drink with it"

Izuku sat back in his seat and nodded. Rei's description wasn't the best, but he was fine with that.

Toru was the first to stand up when they were finished, and the three made their way to put their rays away, just as the third years entered

Izuku walked next to Toru, listening eagerly to the two sisters as they discussed strategy, joining in with his own ideas every few seconds.

He was so focused on their conversation that he didn't notice the boy until he floated right into him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you! I... wait." Izuku looked up at the boy in confusion and the boy looked back at him with tha same stunned look.

"How did you crash into me? I had my quirk activated! It makes things pass right through me."

Izuku and the boy looked at each other, Rei and Toru looking in in confusion.

Izuku had floated into someone. But he couldn't solidify his whole body, and he'd floated through people before as well. But this time, he had walked into the person.

"What's your quirk?" Izuku asked the blond boy, towering over him. He was probably a third year, judging by his height. The two students stood behind him were probably his classmates.

"Permiation." The boy replied. "I'm Mirio Togata, by the way."

Rei tried not to respond to the name. He was working with the pro hero Sir Nighteye. He could be a problem, if he were to recognise Izuku.

Izuku nodded, probably recognising the boys name as well. "Izumi Midori. My quirk's called spirit. I usually pass through things, unless I want to touch them."

Mirio smiled widely. Toru smiled. He seemed like the Kirishima of his class. "So your quirk is basically the opposite of mine! I can pass through things if I want, but I usually don't!"

Izuku thought for a minute then looked up at Mirio nervously. "Could you activate your quirk on your whole body, except for you feet?"

Mirio looked confused but nodded, activating his quirk as Izuku had asked. Izuku's smile grew wide, till it was almost bursting out of his chest and he wrapped his arms around the boy, burying his face in his shoulder.

If he could cry, he could guarantee he would be crying now.

"It's been so long."

Mirio slowly wrapped his arms around Izuku. "It's okay, I got you."

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