Provisional licensing exam

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Izuku floated up towards the roof of the arena. He peered over the edge.

The arena was split into different areas. He could see an area filled with buildings and another was filled with boulders. It reminded him of the USJ, other than the seats that lined the walls, filled with different pro heroes and teachers.

At the opposite side of the arena, he  ould see three familiar faces. Rei's parents, Marine and Zero, were sat next to Aizawa and appeared to be  hatting about something.

Izuku slowly floated around to that side of the arena and through the wall. He floated down to the seats where the three heroes sat, now with Ms Joke having joined them, trying to make it look like he was walking.

"Um, can I sit here?" The four heroes turned to him as he pointed to a seat next to Aizawa. Aizawa seemed to glance around at the other empty seat around them. "S-sorry if I'm disturbing, but I recognised you. You're Rei and Toru's parents, right?"

Zero's face seem to light up. "You must be Izuku Midoriya! Rei talls about you a lot. I wasn't aware you knew Toru as well, but she's hardly home nowadays, with the dorms and everything."

Aizawa seemed to have narrowed his eyes at Izuku. "Izuku Midoriya, you know Bakugou, don't you?"

Izuku stiffened. Had Bakugou mentioned him at all? Surely he would have kept quiet about him?

He nodded. "Our parents were friends so we've know each other all our lives."

"And the two of you get on?"

Izuku looked down at his feet. "Well, we used to but he changed after he developed his quirk and since I didn't seem to have one..."

Aizawa nodded and looked down at the arena. "Just checking."

Izuku took his seat and looked down into the arena. He sat there in silence, waiting for something to happen, before suddenly laughing.

He put his hands over his mouth and looked over at Ms Joke, who smiled and released his quirk.

"You just looked like you needed cheering up. Why so serious, kid?"

He shrugged. "I know how hard Rei's been working for this, and everyone else. Then there's Ka-Bakugou. Last time I saw him it ended in an argument. He's probably still mad at me."

Aizawa looked over at him. "Midoriya, he's mad at everyone."

Marine smiled at him and reached to pit her hand on his arm, but it passed right through.

"Sorry! My quirk does that sometimes, well most of the time. Things just pass through me." He explained. Marine just nodded and moved her hand back. Aizawa seemed to narrow his eyes again. "Let's just watch the test."

After what seemed like forever, the ground opened up in the centre of the arena and Izuku could see the candidates. Class 1a were stood near the front and Izuku could just make out Rei and Toru, stood together at the edge of the group. He waved to them and Rei waved back, smiling widely. She tapped Toru's shoulder and she joined in.

Toru said something to Rei and she started laughing, looking over at Aizawa for a second. Her eyes then met her parents and her expression turned icy.

Izuku looked closer. "They appear to be wearing targets. What are they doing?"

"You weren't there when the told us? I guess that makes sense if you're just a friend." Marine asked.

Zero smiled and explained what was happening. Izuku nodded and watched as the test began.

Together, Rei and Toru ran into the city zone, followed by lots of others. Rei lifted the two up onto a rooftop, looking down at the people below.

"I lift them up, you hit them?" Rei suggested. Toru shrugged.

"Sure, make sure their targets are accessible."

Rei nodded and a boy was ripped from the floor, picked up by something invisible. Rei held his arms behind his back and held his feet still before lifting him close enough for Toru to reach him. She tapped each of his targets with  one of the balls and Rei dropped him again.

"It seems that we have one out already." A tired voice announced. Toru smiled at Rei who prepared to pick another up.

"I'll get this one."

Before she could grab any one, they heard laughing from above them. Rei and Toru looked up to see a brown haired boy floating above them. Rei quickly shielded they from him, ready for any attack he would try but there was a sudden fust of wind that quickly grew stronger.

Rei had to reach out to the edges of the roof to stop the two of them from falling.

Balls were pelted at them and Rei winced as they crashed into her tentacles. "You okay!?" Toru had to shout to be heard over the hurricane that surrounded them. Rei nodded slowly and snatched a few balls from the air.

"I've had worse!" She yelled back.

The wind died down and Rei dropped the shield and released the edges of the roof, looking up at the guy still floating above them.

"Good quirk." She said, grabbing Toru and walking ro the edge of the roof. "With a quirk like that you could be a great hero."

The boy nodded and flew out of the arena.

Rei looked out over the arena. "We need to find more people. I can see some people in the mountains area, we should head over there."

Rei and Toru continued with their previous strategy and both easily passed the test, making their way out of the arena.

When Izuku heard the announcement of them passing, he stood up and cheered. Rei and Toru both looked up at him and laughed.

Aizawa, however, was less excited. Izuku must have been lying. He remembered what he had heard Bakugou say. Those desperate words  that had thought must be connected to Izuku.

"I killed him. I killed him. I killed him."

Not to mention his quirk, which he couldn't help but think he had seen before. He searched the arena and spotted Bakugou.

Who did he kill?

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