Chapter 41: He Needs Some MILK

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Six months later


The spring sunshine pours in through the windows to illuminate Namjoon's bedroom, filling it with the late afternoon glow. My nose is still slightly irritated from allergy season and it doesn't help that he tends to leave his windows open when the weather is comfortable enough to allow it.

I sit trying to ignore his constant pleading, while simultaneously trying to remember why I had come here in the first place. Granny sent me here. Why? It's hard to remember when your boyfriend gets hotter literally every single time you look at him. HOW WAS THAT POSSIBLE? No idea, but somehow Namjoon does it.

Over the months the purple had faded from his hair until it was back to it's natural brown. One day he'd been my cute, nerdy, bespectacled boyfriend that made you feel comfortable enough to introduce to your parents. Then the next thing I know, he and his friends had gone off for 'guys weekend' and he'd come back looking like a seven course meal.

It would have been one thing if he'd warned me. But he didn't. No, he decided to nonchalantly coming to pick me up for school with platinum blonde hair, contacts that had replaced his glasses and his ears pierced.

He was so fucking hot.

I felt attacked.

I wasn't sure if I should complain or be happy. Because he's so attractive I'm glad he's mine, but he's so attractive that now other girls are going to look at him. Eun-ji actually slapped me for saying that with a well worded: "Idiot. He's more obsessed with you, than you are with cats."

It was a good point.

The first sixteen pairs of contacts he lost.

That was great, too. Cause one minute he was a whole meal, then he lost his contacts and had to go back to glasses, so it was like he was a sexy librarian. It was hot. And when I told him so, he got adorably shy and clumsy and knocked over a whole wall display the school had set up.

It's fine, the school display was about dogs.

From his place next to me on the edge of his bed, my unfairly attractive boyfriend shuffles closer so he can play with a lock of my normal-ass, not-sexy-at-all hair.

"Kitty, please," he begs adamantly, just as he had been for the last week. Kitty. This had turned into what he only called me when he really wanted something. Because despite how everyone else ruined it, I still feel weak when I hear it coming from him. He knows it. And he's using it against me.

"I..." I fidget nervously, trying fervently to remember what granny sent me here for so that I could escape this conversation. "I don't know." I finally give out an answer other than a hard 'no' and can tell how that detail instantly clicks with him.

"Come on," he bounces a bit and the springs of his mattress to let out a slight squeak. "Is it," he pauses and looks at me in concern. "Is it because it hurts?"

I blush and look down at my hands folded in my lap. "No, it only hurts the first time..."

"Then what is it?"

Seriously, what is it? We've been dating for six months and he's never pushed this issue. Really, he's been a complete gentleman about it. So what am I being so shy for? This is stupid.

"Alright." I concede and he actually lets out a triumphant cheer. My heart still goes crazy when I see him smile.

"So..." Namjoon brings me back to the present, reminding me of what I had just agreed to. Why had I done that, again? "Are we going to do this right now, or..."

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