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||𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬||𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧❤.


I shut my eyes tightly and pushed as hard as I could.

"That's it, he's almost here." The doctor cooed.

I laid my head back on the pillow with sweat dripping down my face and closed my eyes, feeling like I was about to pass out.

"Janaee." Cameron panicked and tapped my arm.

"No, no, no!" The doctor yelled. "I need you to push!"

I-I can't." I said faintly.

"Yes you can ma, I promise you almost done."

I felt another contraction coming along, so I gathered up all my strength and pushed as hard as I could.


"Come on, just one more."

this baby better b cute .

I laid back on the pillow again, breathing heavily and Cameron took a cold towel and dabbed my forehead.

"Janaee! Push! If you stop now, he might not make it!"

"I can't!" I cried.

"Yes you can, just one more."

just one more .

I took a deep breath and mustered all the strength I had left before squeezing Cameron's hand and pushing as hard as I could.

"There you go." The doctor cooed softly, and a few seconds later a loud cry filled the room.

The doctor and nurses cleaned my baby off and did everything else they had to do before carefully handing him to me.

"He's here." I cried and rocked him softly to soothe him. "Hi stink, I'm ma-ma and that's da-da."

Cameron held his finger out for him to grab and he grabbed it, holding onto it tightly.

"Hey Mini Homicide."

"We'll give you a moment with him before we take him for his hearing test." The doctor smiled and grabbed her clipboard before walking out the room.

"When they take him, go with him." I looked at Cameron. "Cause when doctors say that in movies, they don't bring the babies back."

I looked back down at my baby and smiled in disbelief, still in shock that I'm a mother.

"He look just like the both of us." Cameron smiled.

"You wanna hold him?" He nodded his head yes and held his arms out in response and I carefully placed our son in his arms.

"I can't believe we really made him." Cameron said in awe. "He so calm." He rocked the baby softly as the nurse approached us, coming closer to the bed.

"He's very adorable." She smiled. "Did you guys pick out a name yet?" 

"Yes." I nodded my head. "Jaydyn Ziad Coleman."

She wrote it down on her clipboard and looked up at Cameron.

"Alright, and this is the baby's father. Correct?"


"Great." She moved to her computer and printed out the birth certificate before briefly showing it to us. "Here's the birth certificate, you can pick it up from the front desk whenever you're discharged."

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