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"Rose coloured glasses all distorted"


                        I meant the movie. I don't like Gabriel but Jac seems to like him, Alex and Jade seen to like each other too but I guess they are cute together. I do think I like Dariush, he's really nice and no matter what, he is there for me. But he's not very smart and can be a bit rude, like earlier with Jade, although I think he was just trying to help but it didn't work. "Oh, wait, maybe North Korea's invaded! ZhenZhen call it off" Dariush pointed at Zhen, she looked at him like, 'dude shut the fuck up right now' "You can't say that!" Jade screamed at him. "We just need to wait here until the adults realize they left us and come back." Alex said holding Jades hand, awwww. "Oh, man! What if they never come back? I'm gonna die here with you loser? Apart for you Jay, you're cute! I never even had sex before!" that shocked me. The rest of us looked at him, Jackie just stood in front of Gabriel snickering at the comment, Dariush realized what he said, "Let me clear that up, I've had sex before," oh "I had sex before, I mean... I haven't had sex with 2 girls at once. That's what I mean. Jade your already with Alex so Jackie? Jay? Do you wanna?" I saw Jac glance over at me and she stepped back into Gabriel who put his arms around her protectively. "I told you I had sex 'cause..." Dariush continued, stepping closer to Jackie, "No." Gabriel said, "All right, hey, look. We're not gonna die! It's probably just a forest fire." I said not making eye contact or looking at Dariush, I thought he liked me. Gabriel started to speak, "We gotta get going, bears out here can be crazy." "Whoa! Whoa! Okay, slow your roll. Did you just say bears. I don't do so well with bears man. I'm not trying to get DiCaprio'd up in here!" Dariush panicked, Gabriel put a stern hand on Dariushes shoulder to stop him, and Jackie walked over in my direction as well as Jade. "Hey, sorry about earlier and shouting at you, I know you like Dariush he has just been acting like bitch so I liked it when he got punched." Jac apologized. "It's okay, he doesn't like me anyway..." I replied looking down. "What? He does, but I think we all got caught up with boy drama so lets make a promise and not let them boys get in between our friendship, okay?" Jade put her hand in the middle, followed by me then Jac on top, "Okay." "Ye" all three of us looking back to the guys, "Just wait Dariush was probably panicking, I'm sure he didn't mean it" Jade whispered in my ear, nodding in response. "Look, no one does well with bears." Gabriel said still with his hand on D's shoulder, "Oh, whoa. Uh..." pushing Gabriels hand off, "ask Werner Herzog. Grizzly Man lived with those things for years, so check that out." I stepped next to Dariush, "Did you watch the end of that movie?" I asked, "Did I watch... Yeah, I watched-- No, I didn't." Alex cut us all of from our thought of the end of the movie, "No, dude. Okay, stop. Gabriel's right. Black bears are opportunistic carnivores. We're not gonna survive the wilderness through the night." I looked over to Jade who was looking shocked, I mean we all were. "Wh-- H--" Jackie was looking at Alex and then the rest of us pointing at him. "Then let's go! Come on!" Dariush screamed taking my hand and dragging me the way back to camp. Everyone else following us. 

The camp further ahead, "There!" I shouted. We all stopped once we saw the wrecked and abandoned place, "Hello!" Dariush yelled really loud in my ear, "ow" I whispered. Each of us running into camp yelling for anyone, "Hello!" Jackie screamed sprinting ahead, "Where is everybody!" Jade asked, "Is anyone here?" Alex called running whilst holding Jades hand, damn they hold hands alot! "Yo, you see anybody?" Dariush asked us. Running closer to the centre of the camp Alex spotted a sign, "What's that?" Jackie asked, "Gone down mountain.... Oh, they left us! Oh shi--" Dariush panicked.... again. Catching all of our attention, "Not all of them!" looking in the direction he was, a figure was just laying on the bench. "Huh? It's Heavy Metal Conrad." Jay yelled happily, "oh god" Jac groaned. Alex sprinted over to him screaming, "Conrad!" Gabriel joined in, "Conrad!" "Is he dead!" I asked. Gabriel checked his pulse, "He's breathing. He must have slept through the evacuation." he concluded, Dariush looked down at Conrad, "Okay, what kind of asshold sleeps through an evacuation?" Jackie slaps Conrad's face, "This one." she said, "Wake him up!" Jade complained. We looked at Zhen when she picked up a flask with 'milk' printed on it, taking a huge gulp she cringed after swallowing the liquid, chucking it in a bush, Dariush then decided to state the obvious, "I don't think that.... that was milk." "No shit sherlock," Gabriel smirked at Jackie's comment, yep he definitely likes her.

We ran over the dining room and Gabriel went straight the phone trying to see if works since our phones are all dead, "Line's dead." Alex was flicking the light switches, "It's cause the powers out." A bang came from behind us, "sorry" Jackie said sheepishly, "Why did you quick the power box?" she just shrugged her shoulders, "Do you know what an EPM is?" Alex asked, no. "Uh, yeah, yeah, that's that music white people dance to." Dariush said 'smartly' "No that's and EDM dipshit!" Jackie gritted through her teeth. "EPM stands for electromagnetic pulse. A nuclear explosion in the upper atmosphere can cause one. And it knocks out most electronics over a really big area." How does this kid know everything? "What does that mean?" Jade asks, "It means nothing works." Alex looked at her sadly, "Not even cars?" "NO!" Jackie replied to Dariush. "Well, you guys have food and a roof over your--" "our" "-our heads. You--" "-we" "-we could do a lot worse that staying here and waiting that out." Gabriel resaid after Jackie correcting him. "Wait, waiting what out?"Dariush worried. A loud explosion came from outside, "that" Jay answered.

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