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                    "All right, fine. What's up with Chico?" Dariush nodded towards the other 2, "gabe?" Jac whispered stepping away, "It's my street?" he said, "Great! Can we go in your house?" Alex asked, "That's my house, but..... it's not my home. I haven't been totally honest with you guys. I was in the mountains because... I was in juvie. And I escaped. So even if my mum is here... she's not gonna wanna see me." Jackie gasped, "Gabe.." running to hug him, "Come on man," Dariush said, they all walked together. Alex and Jade hand in hand, Dariush had his arm around Jay and Jac and Gabriel were side hugging. Suddenly they heard a spacecraft approach, "Go, go, jump left!" Alex yelled, each of them jumped left but Dariush who went right. "No! What the hell was that?" "Go!" "Where do we go?" "Follow me!" Gabriel whisper shouted. Walking up some stairs they reached a door, "Go inside," Zhen walked in, "Oh, damn! Man, we need to get my man Jacobi up in here." Dariush boasted, "It's looters" Gabriel shut the door behind him. "All right, let's find something to eat." Jay said, "Man, I need a T - bone steak, some cheeses, eggs and Welch's grape." Dariush said walking off and the rest followed, Jackie looked back and saw Gabriel just standing there, "Hey! It's going to be okay! I promise!" she went on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek before going to the rest leaving him stood there. 

All 7 of them were sitting in a circle now with the light and food in the middle, Gabriel's head was in Jac's lap, Jade was leaning on Alex who had his arm around her and Jay sat in between Dariushes legs, "I shouldn't of hit you. It was my fault." Gabriel apologized, "I don't know. I'm good, bro. I mean... it doesn't hurt as much as seeing all this on my new J's" Dariush replied referring to his shoes, "How do you care about sneakers in a time like this?" Jay looked up at him, "You know what? You guys are lucky. You don't have friends. It's hard out here for a pimp, you know? Gotta keep up with the flyest shit, you know, the dopest kicks. Tightest whip. Baddest chick. I hate it though. And my friends, they're like bears. Soon as they smell weakness, they're just coming straight at your neck. That's why I keep this on my neck. Diamonds. I act like it cool it's not, man." Dariush explained, "Does Dariush mean "douchebag" in Farsi?" Alex asked, "What's Farsi?" he questioned, "It's the language your mum was screaming when you were coming out of her ass." Alex joked, every laughed but Dariush, "Hey don't talk about my mom's ass. All right. You wish you were there." Dariush warned, "No offence, dude, those don't sound like friends." Gabriel said, "Yeah..." suddenly another aircraft flew past, they all looked to the window ZhenZhen put her fingers to her lips, "Hey, how did you even end up in jail?" Jade asked Gabriel, he sat up and leant on his elbow, "My dad left when.... when I was about ten. You know, I got a job as a bag boy at a grocery store my mum worked at. To, you know.... help her with money. One time she steps away, I took over the cash register. I was helping a customer... and uh, he started to accuse me of stealing from him. I guess I gave him the wrong change. I get numbers like, muddled in my head sometimes, unless I see them written down. But he didn't believe me. And, um..... I just.... I lost it. So I decked him. Broke his nose. Mum got fired and.... they sent me away. She never came to visit me once." Jackie hugged him from behind and then there was a silence between them all. Until Jade broke it, "I guess you can tell, I'm from Britain... from my accent, I-- uh-- I ran away from my home in England. A lot of people know me because I'm the daughter of uh-- Queen Tamira, I'm a princess... and I hate it being watched 24/7, duties and priorities, I just wanted to be normal. Everyone I meet asks how am I so skinny and I always say I have a fast metabolism or I just shrug pretending I don't know why... but the real reason is my uh-- parents they uh-- would s-stave me... if I did something, anything wrong I would miss at least a week of food.... after it happened 5 times I got used to the feeling of not eating and being hungry. My parents would always act like they love me on camera or around others but when we were alone they would tell me how much of a disappoint I am or I don't belong in the royal family. So I took some money since I had enough of acting like everything was okay, when it wasn't... and I ran bumping into Jackie on my way." she told her story everyone shocked when she said it. "What about you Zhen?" "Let's just say dad wanted a boy but you can't choose your family. But you can always make a new one." Zhen smiled to them all, pulling out a camera, "Come on." Jay said. "A young Yoda up in here?" Dariush jokes, "Come on guys." Jade told everyone as they were coming around. "Oh, we're taking an old school selfie?" Jac asked, Jade was behind Alex smiling, Jay was also behind Dariush kissing his cheek and Jackie lay across all of them, "One, two, three" Zhen took the picture. "I'm tired..." Jade said, everyone else agreed. "Okay we will all pack away you guys go and get changed." Gabriel said referring to the girls. "Okay" they all went in different direction. "I still don't believe it. You are a princess, man." Jackie laughed to Jade, who laughed with her. Setting Jay's backpack on the bed she pulled out 4 PJ sets.

WE ALL LOSE (RIM OF THE WORLD FANFICTION)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum