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                            "All right someone needs to go down to the to go down to the basement and fire up the emergency generators. Start them in sequence, exactly 4 second apart, send 2 people, you strongest and fas-" "We'll go.." ZhenZhen and Jade said, "I'm sorry, that sounded like young girls." "Dude. What is it with you and girls, there's 4 girls hereee" Jac called out, "Oh yeah! Aliens don't stand a chance against them" Jay said, she was okay now, she was still trying to regain her strength from losing after falling off a bridge. "All right! You need to climb through the vent. The vault won't open until the power is back on. Look.... You're not safe at JPL." Jade walked over to Alex, "Did you hear 4 seconds apart?" he checked, "Yeah." Alex looked down at his watch, taking it off he handed it to Jade, "You're gonna need to time it. Take care of it. And yourself." he smiled at her, she took at step around until she was close to his ear, "Your father would be proud," she whispered, kissing his cheek she ran off with ZhenZhen. "What are you doing? What is Excalibur?" Gabriel asked, "Excalibur was a Cold War defence project. It was meant to shoot down Russian missiles." "Yeah, using fusion pumped X - Ray lasers, I read about that." Alex said, "Never mind him. He knows everything. Keep going." Dariush panted, "The key that Major Collins gave you contains the coordinates of the alien mothership in high orbit." "We can destroy the mothership." Jay said, "You're our last hope." "Okay what else do we need to do to get this shit started?" "You need to realign the satellite dish on the roof, then get a working computer  and load the coordinates Major Collins gave you. Then activate Excalibur." "All right, I'll go to the roof." Jackie said, "No. Jac!" Gabriel yelled grabbing her arm, "You guys load the programs. I'm gonna go to the roof. Plus Dariush is hurt and Gabriel can't lose you." Alex put the key on the table, "What are you talking about? You're afraid of heights!" Dariush said, "I'm scared of everything. It's my turn. Tell Jade, I'm gonna want my watch back..... And if I die.... tell her I love her." the rest of us nodded and he walked off, "Actually, wait... don't tell her I love her, just tell her I was into her. I don't want to freak her out with the L word." "Just go!" the 4 of them yelled an he ran off. 

(With ZhenZhen and Jay)

"Ahhhh!" they both yell as they fall through the vents, crashing through the end and landing on top of each other, "ow." Picking up the torch and looking around, lights around them began to flicker, using the torch they look until they light lands on a dead lady, both of them gasp stepping back. They looked around more the light shining on a lot more bodies, "switches..." ZhenZhen whispered quietly, they both began to walk around, using their torches to look for any sign of what they need, finally her torch landing on a row of switches, "hey... Jade... over here" she whispered again. "You ready? 4...3...2...1...4...3...2...1...4...3...2...1..." Jade counted as ZhenZhen pushed down the switches. Thankfully the power turned on, they walked over to the vault, putting in the code and the door unlocked, "No!" a lady screamed as the 2 girls opened the door, a roaring came from the other side pushing ZhenZhen and Jade to the floor as it jumped through the door, it attacked the woman eating her until she was dead. As the dog was distracted with the woman Jade and ZhenZhen tried to move and get out but Gabriel used the speakers all around the building to get to them, "Guys! Guys! Jay is coming down to you and Dariush is in bad shape and Jac and I can't do this on our own." this caught the aliens attention making it look at the 2 girls standing by the door, "GO! GO! GO!" Jade yelled pushing ZhenZhen out, they both scream as they shut the heavy door chopping the hand of the alien dog off. "Guys.. guys.. oh my god you did it!" Jay said running down the stair to them. The other 2 sighed and they all ran back to the control room but ZhenZhen didn't realize Jade fainted and Jay had to stop and carried her outside the building waiting for the others to come.

(With Alex)

Alex reached the top, rushing through the door he ran up to the long pole, dropping his hat he said, "Oh my god. That's tall." staring up at the top he spotted the satellite, walking up to the bottom he looked up again, "don't look down. don't look down. don't look down. don't look down." he kept whispering to himself so he wouldn't look down. He began the climb to the top. As Alex climbed he never looked down, finally he reached the top, trying to push the dish but it didn't work, "Alex!" "God?" he asked looking up, "Behind you look down!" he heard a familiar voice scream. Looking down he saw the alien right at the bottom, "Oh god!" it began to climb. Alex was now kicking the satellite trying to realign it, pushing on it he slipped, getting back up the creature snarled from beneath him. Pushing the dish with all his strength it move and the light went green. "God!" he screamed as he climbed higher since the alien was close behind him. He had an idea, undoing he belt he looped it around the cable sliding down and landing on the floor sprinting back inside and down to his friends.

(With Gabriel, Jackie and Dariush.)

"I'm going down to the others," Jay said and she ran off, "jay. Jay. No! Please!" Dariush called after her she didn't come back. Jackie was about to run off with her, but someone grabbed her arm, "Jackie, please, don't go, I can't lose you, not again, promise you won't leave my side?" Gabriel looked right in her eyes,"I promise..." she replied but little did Gabriel know her fingers were crossed behind her back. Suddenly the system powered up and they both looked to the screen, "Shit" "She actually got the power back on." Gabriel yelled, "Good. Do you see the monitors at the back of the room? Are the control stations working?" Jackie ran to the computers, "Yeah. Yeah!" she called, "The computers are working." Dariush called to the man, "Excellent. Now insert the crypto - key." Inserting the crypto - key it began to beep, "I got it!" she yelled, "Okay, did your friend move the dish yet?"  They all looked to the security cameras seeing Alex close to the top, "Uh... No, I see him but he hasn't moved it yet." "Then you have to wait before you launch Excalibur." "Oh shit..." Dariush saw the alien from earlier underneath Alex, "Alex!" "Alex!" "Alex!" they all called, "Activate the PA system" Dariush picked up the microphone. "Alex! Behind you look down!" he yelled, Alex began kicking the satellite, he slipped making Jackie yelp but he regained his balance knocking the satellite into place. "Oh he did it!" "God!" "Yes!" they all screamed, Gabriel was too happy to realise Dariush but Jackie did, "hey. Jac. Tell Jay if I don't wake up. I-I love her okay..." he then passed out, "Dariush.... dude.... hey.... Gabe Dariush is out." she told him, "Son, Excalibur needs 3 people to launch it." Gabriel then realised what happened, "Shit, he passed out. Get up. Get up." he tried checking his pulse, "One of your other friends is going to have to help you. Where are they?" "I don't know..." Gabriel huffed, "Guys! Guys! Jay is coming down to you and Dariush is in bad shape and Jac and I can't do this on our own." Gabriel yelled through the PA, "Now you need 3 people, 1 of you will need to make sure the crypto - key is turned at all times, now get the 2 launch keys from the safe locker. Let me know when you're there and I'll give you the code." Gabriel found the safe but his face dropped once he saw the key pad, looking over to Jac who was trying to help Dariush he decided to try it, "Oh no! F-- F--" "Okay. Punch in... 9 6 3 2 2 1 0 3. Tell me when you've got it open." Gabriel began to press in random numbers, it was wrong, "I said 9 6 3 2 2 1 0 3" "Fuck" Gabriel whispered catching Jackie's attention, looking around she saw a piece of paper and a sharpie writing down the code. "The code 9 6 3 2 2 1 0 3" "Babe, here you go!" she slipped a piece of paper to hom, looking down he smiled at the numbers on the paper, putting in the code. Opening the safe he yelled, "I got em! I got em!" "It is imperative that they are inserted at the same time as well as the crypto - key is turned." "Oh shit he passed out again!" Jackie said, "We are running out of time son! We are running out of time son!" "Come on! D! Wake up!" they tried to wake him up. "I can't! I can't" Gabriel panted, "Gabriel!" ZhenZhen ran in, "Zhen! Where are the other 2?" Jackie grew worried, "They were behind me..." she looked back. "Come on we gotta do this!" Gabriel yelled, "What do we do?" she asked, "Jac is gonna twist the key and we need to insert these at the same time!" sliping them in they counted down as Jackie twisted the key, "3..... 2...... 1--" suddenly the ceiling crashed and the alien appeared. It roared in their faces as they ran behind a table dragging Dariush with them, this woke him up and he began to scream. "Ahhhh!" "Ahhhhh!" "Ahhhh!" "Ahhhh!" they screamed but it turned its attention away from them when a rubix cube hit the alien. "Come at me, bitch! Come get me, mother.... Come on!" Alex yelled, and the alien roared, "What are you doing? You can't kill the thing with a flare gun." Gabriel yelled, "No. But I know what can." Alex replied and then realisation hit Jackie, he was gonna burn the alien with a plasma rocket. "Launch Excalibur, then meet me outside." he yelled and ran off the alien following, Jackie saw a gap between the alien and Alex, standing up and sprinting to it, "JAC! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Gabe tried to follow but the others held him back, "IT'S MY TURN! I'LL SEE YOU OUTSIDE! I LOVE YOU!" she yelled before running off to help Alex.

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