part 4

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|chapter 4



It was 8.00.p.m. I was in my room thinking about what had happened. I was sitting on the bed, leaning on the headboard.


I was lying on the ground, curled into a ball on the floor after Yerin and her friends' beating session. It was hurting like hell. My stomach hurts. It was hard to breathe as they kicked me in the stomach. My school shirt and bra were lying next to me. Yerin had the video of me being naked, but only my upper body. It was naked.

"If you ever dare to say a single word about this to your brothers, I'll post this on social media. Your life will be ruined, so keep your mouth shut." she was angry. Her friends were laughing at me.

"What did I e-ever do to y-you? Why are y-you doing this?" I asked weakly.

I didn't dare to look at them, I was ashamed. They've seen my body. Although they're girls, they have no right to do this.

Yerin scoffed.

"Your mere existence disgusts me, Sundeok. I tried to be your friend, but you rejected me. This is what happens when you reject me." she said and smirked evilly.

"You just want my brothers." I muttered.

"Yes. I just want your brothers, but you didn't help me."

She crouched down and looked at me with anger and disgust.

"You have everything. Your life is perfect. Money is nothing to you. You're living in a pool of money. You have three perfect brothers, and I have nothing of them. I hate it. I hate seeing your perfect life."

All of this was because of money? How pathetic. And yes. She doesn't know that I have 4 more brothers. Although Jin oppa has come here a few times, no one knows that he's our brother.

Yerin and her friends left me. After a few minutes, I got dressed and went to the nurse's office.

End of the flashback

My life is ruined. She'll blackmail me. Just then, I heard the door open, revealing Jungkook. I smiled.

He came near me and sat beside me.

"Hey, how are you feeling now?" he asked softly.

"Better." I said, trying to be cheerful. I smiled widely, not wanting to show my pathetic mood.

He just stared at me blankly. I gave him a questioning look.

"You know you can't fool me. I'm your twin. I've known you all my life."

How can I fool him now? Kookie, please trust my lies.

"What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine Jungkookie." I said and laughed.

But he didn't take it, he was just staring at me blankly. It was getting awkward.

"You're hiding something." he said, making my breath hitch. Does he know?!

"You didn't fall from the stairs. Someone did this to you."

I was shocked.

"N-No. I didn't lie. I fell--"

"Stop lying. Do you think I didn't notice the red handprint on your cheek? It was a HAND print. I saw it, and you don't even have bruised knees. If you fell from the stairs, then you should have bruises on your knees." he said with a calm voice. It was scary. It's not his usual self.

I avoided his eyes and didn't say anything. I remembered how they threatened me. My eyes started to sting. They were about to get teary.

"Tell me. Who did this?"

This time he asked softly, but it only made my situation worse. I wanted to cry so badly. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I hugged him tightly, hiding my face in his chest.

"Oppa, please. Forget what you saw." my voice cracked. I sniffled.

He hugged me back.


My shirt was getting wet. I realized that she was crying, I got worried. She called me 'oppa.' She never called me that unless she's badly hurt.

"Tell me, princess. I'll do anything to protect you." I said softly and stroked her hair.

She started to cry loudly, pressing her face into my chest. Muffled cries were coming from her. Seeing her like this hurts me. I feel her heart, it's hurting. My heart's also in pain. My twin is in pain. I rubbed her back to calm her down.

"I-I can't. I w-want to t-tell you b-but I c-can't." she said, her voice muffled against my chest.

I've never seen her like this. She's so vulnerable.

"Why, what's stopping you? Don't be afraid, I'm your brother. Tell me."

She shook her head. I sighed.

"It's okay. I'll figure it out by myself. I'll find who's doing this to you." I whispered and kissed her head. She didn't say anything.

Then I made her face me. Her eyes and cheeks were puffy and red. I wiped her tears and smiled warmly.

"See. You're looking way uglier than before. Don't cry if you want to keep your face less ugly." I joked, making her feel better.

She glared at me playfully. I laughed, and soon she started to laugh lightly. I pinched her cheeks, making her whine like a kid.

"You ugly witch." I said while still pinching her cheek.

"Yah!! Stob it, you little shit!"

She tried to grab my hair, but I backed away while still pinching her cheek.

"It's not 'stob.' It's 'stop,' you dummy."

She glared at me and grabbed my hair successfully.

"Yah!! Both of you!! Stop it!!" I heard someone yell from the doorway.

We looked at the person. Hoseok hyung was standing there with his hands on his waist. We both released each other and smiled sheepishly.

"You! Jungkook! What are you doing?! Your sister is not well, so stop fighting till she recovers." he scolded me.

I nodded like an innocent puppy, which I'm not.

"No oppa. I started it. Jungkookie was just here to see me." Sundeok saved me. This is the 1st time she saved me.

Hoseok oppa looked at her in shock.

"Are you okay, princess? Did he hit your head? Is this why you're acting strange?" Hoseok hyung asked dramatically.

"KIDS!! Come downstairs and have dinner!!" we heard Jin hyung shout.

Hoseok hyung came inside.

"Sweetie, can you walk properly?" he asked Sundeok with concern.

She nodded and smiled.

"Yes oppa, don't worry. Let's go now."

We were at the dining table and Sundeok was sitting beside me as usual. She was quiet. Then, she cleared her throat to get attention.

"Jin oppa, how did you know that I fell from the stairs?" she asked, confused.

Jin hyung smiled and looked at me. I looked down at my food. Don't tell her. Don't tell her. She'll embarrass me.

"Our kookie felt it. He's your twin, princess. He felt it through his heartbeat."

"Oh, Our twin connection?" she asked. Jin hyung nodded.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you, kookie."

Oh well, she didn't embarrass me by saying, 'Oooooh! My Kookie loves me!!' She always tries to embarrass me, but she didn't do that today.

"Sundeok, are you okay?" Namjoon hyung asked worriedly.

She nodded and smiled.

When we were heading to our respective bedrooms, Sundeok grabbed my wrist.

"Do come to save me again next time when you feel it." she whispered while pointing to my heart. "But be quick."

Then she disappeared into her room. I furrowed my brows.

"Next time?"

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