part 23

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After hearing the whole truth,Mr.Kim was giving the boys his most scary death glare.Mrs.Kim looks so broken.

"My poor baby"She whispered and her eyes were teary.

Mr.Kim was furious because of so many reasons.first one,his daughter's naked photos were posted in social media.second one,she got bullied.third one,no one even tried to tell it to him.Fourth one,hurting her by limiting her freedom and forbidding her from hanging out with the boy she loves.

"Is this how you took care of her?"he asked trying his best to control himself.

His hands were in a fist.Jaw was clenching. Boys hang their heads lower.No one dared to say a word.

"Such a big thing has happened and no one cared to give me a call to say it"he said through gritted teeth.

"Forget about calling me but  you acted in the most stupid way!!Did you think about her mental state?!It is a time when she gets suicidal thoughts!You should have made her happy!Instead what did you do?!limit her freedom and forbid her to date!Didn't you think how it will affect her mental state?!You guys have pressured her even more!"Mr.Kim shouted.

His face was red from anger.

"I'm sorry dad.But we thought that she is still not mature enough to date anyone"Jin said.But he didn't dare to look at his father

Mrs.Kim glared at him.

"Son,it is not about mature or not.You should have thought about her menatl health.I know you guys want to protect her but what will you do if she,,,"Mrs.Kim didn't complete her sentence. She can't afford to say something like 'suiciding'.She doesn't even want to think about her daughter like that.

Boys instantly shot their heads up.They love Sundeok so much.She is the life of their family. They instantly regretted about what they did.They only cared about her protection. They didn't think about her mental health.

"Who is that girl?"Mr.Kim asked breaking the silence."who ruined my daughter's life?"

His eyes showed venom.It was so painful for him.Her daughter's pain is the most painful thing for him.

"Honey,boys have done what should be done.She has already apologized. "Mrs.Kim tried to calm her husband. "I think we shouldn't continue this.Think about sundeok.It will affect her more than anyone."

Mr.Kim closed his eyes and breathed heavily. His fists were turning to white.He sighed heavily.

"Alright."He said and opened his eyes.

Boys thought it is over.They mentally heaved a sigh of relief.But,

"But I'm taking Sundeok with us"

This made boys shocked. Jungkook quickly stood up from the ground.

"NO!!"He shouted angrily. "You can't take her!!"

Mr.Kim looked at him calmly.

"I can and I will"he answered.

"Appa,please!"It was Jin. "Don't take her away from us" It was really hard for him to stay away from her.He treated Sundeok as his daughter.

"Yes dad.Please.we need her"Hoseok also stood up.

Other boys also stood up.

"Appa,we can't live without her."Taehyung said in a trembling voice.

"No.I don't think that she wants to stay here after what you did.She can't stay happily in here anymore. All of you failed to make her happy.You have worsened her state."Mr.Kim said sternly.

"A-Appa,give us one more chance.we promise that we will make her happy."Namjoon begged.

"Yes.please Appa.We will make her happy"Jimin also begged.

"But she herself said that she doesn't want to stay here.Sons,we don't want to separate you guys.But right now,we need to think about her happiness"Mrs.Kim said kindly.

"We will do everything to make her happy"Yoongi said with a cracking voice.

Mrs.Kim looked at Mr.Kim hoping for him to say something.

"She needs space.She will come back when she feels.Till then,wait for her"

With that Mr.Kim stood up and was ready to go but Jungkook's sudden act stopped him.

Jungkook kneeled down.

"Please I beg you.don't take her away from us Appa.please.I can't stay away from my sister. I'm sorry for everything we did.I-I promise that I will do anything to make her happy.If I have to disobey my hyungs,I'll do it gladly for her happiness. Please just don't take her away from me."

His eyes were glassy. Yoongi also kneeled next to him.Then Jin.Like that they all kneeled infront of their father.

Mrs.Kim smiled seeing her sons' love for her daughter. She was happy seeing their sibling connection.

"You have one week.Make her stay by her own will.don't force her.If she still wants to go,then I have no choice but to take her with us"Mr.Kim gave them a chance to make her stay.

Boys were beyond happy.They all smiled in relief.They all determined to make her stay.After all,she is the heart of the home.How can they even survive in the house without her.

Jungkook quickly stood up and hugged his father.

"Thank you appa"he whispered and ran to Sundeok's room.

He knocked on her door.I will make sure that you will stay.

Sundeok didn't open the door.Jungkook turned the door knob.Luckily it wasn't locked.But no one was there.

The window of her room was opened and a bedsheet was hanging to outside. He walked towards the window out of curious. That's when he understood. She has run away.

Sundeok has run away from the window using  bedsheets. Jungkook gasped and ran out of the room.He quickly went downstairs.

"SUNDEOK HAS RUN AWAY!"Jungkook screamed.

It has been almost two hours since she has run away.Her brothers and parents were searching for her in the whole town.They all went separately. Jungkook went to Vernon's place in case she might be there.

He knocked on his door.After few minutes,he opened the door.

"Jungkook?"he asked because of the surprise visit.

Jungkook didn't say anything instead he barged inside and looked everywhere. Vernon was confused.

"Sundeok!are you here?!"Jungkook shouted.

He searched everywhere.

"Jungkook,she is not here.What happened?"Vernon asked worriedly.

Jungkook was still panicking.

"Sh-she is missing."

Vernon's eyes got widened.

"W-What?where did she go?"he muttered. He felt extremely worried about her.

"I don't know.That's why we are searching. I'm sorry for disturbing. I'll leave now"

He was about to go but,

"Let me help"Vernon asked.

Jungkook saw how concern he is.

"You're sick.Don't worry.we'll find her.You should rest.And I'm sorry for what we did yesterday."

With that jungkook ran towards the door but again looked back.

"I'll call you if we find her.Don't worry"Jungkook said as he saw how worried Vernon was.

But Vernon couldn't sit back knowing she is missing.At that time he didn't care about his little fever.He quickly put his long coat and went out to find her.

Where could she be?what do you think?Wait for the next chapter to know.

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