part 14

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Taehyung and Sundeok were walking on streets.They were having a lot of fun.Girls were eyeing Taehyung like he is some kind of meal.Sundeok rolled her eyes seeing them glaring at her.Her handsome brother was an eye candy to the ladies in the market.

They went to a noodles shop and started to eat.Taehyung thought to start a serious talk.

"Sundeok,I want to ask something."

Sundeok nodded with a confuse face.

"Do you perhaps have a boyfriend?"he asked with a suspicious look.

Sundeok choked on her noodles.

"What?no!why are you asking something like that?"

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing.But you remember the rule right?You can't have a boyfriend till you become 20."

Sundeok sighed.

"Who even wants to be my boyfriend?It's not like I'm beautiful."She said and slurp some noodles.

"Yah!Who told you that you're not beautiful?huh?"Taehyung asked and scoffed.

"That little shit says that almost every single day."Sundeok said remembering jungkook's insults.

Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully.

"He is just messing with you."

"But I don't think anyone wants be my boyfriend after that incident. Who wants a shit like me"she muttered and chuckled bitterly.

Taehyung stopped eating and looked at her.

"You're not a shit sweetheart. You're our precious jewel.You're beautiful. Our princess."

Sundeok didn't look at him.He knew that she was feeling insecure. He sighed.Just then an elderly woman came to take their plates.

"Auntie,this is my baby sister.Isn't she beautiful?"Taehyung asked giving his boxy smile.

The elderly woman looked at her and smiled.

" don't need to ask.She is such a beautiful girl.She looks so cute."

Sundeok blushed from the compliment.

"Thank you very much auntie"Taehyung said and bowed.

Then both of them left the place.

Time skip

Night time.

Sundeok went to the beach at midnight. But this time,her heart was expecting someone. She didn't if he come or not.But she had a little hope that he will come.She was only wearing a blouse and a short.She felt cold.

She was staring at the sea for almost an hour. But he didn't come.She sighed and was about to turn to go but before she turn,a coat was placed on her shoulders. She was startled.

"It's cold outside. Why aren't you wearing something that can keep you warm?"

She heard the voice that she was waiting to hear.She turned to see Vernon.

He smiled making her heart skip a beat.Her cheeks became red.

"Thanks"she muttered shyly.

"Why are you here this time?again thinking of suiciding?"he asked and stood beside her,crossing his hands behind his back.

Sundeok smiled and shook his head.

"I'm just here to clean my mind.I can't sleep."

Vernon nodded his head,understanding her.

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