part 13

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The boy smirked at him.

"Oh, the knight in shining armour has come to save his princess," he mocked.

"Let. Her. Go." Vernon repeated.

Sundeok was rooted to the ground.

"Why, what are you going to do?" another boy asked, laying his filthy hand on Sundeok's shoulder.

Vernon fisted his hands.

"You asked for it," Vernon muttered.

Vernon punched the boy closest to him. The boy fell on the floor with a bleeding nose.

"YOU-" another boy charged at Vernon but got his arm twisted. He was then pushed to the wall resulting in a bleeding forehead.

The other two charged simultaneously, but Vernon managed to beat both the boys.

When Vernon turned to check on Sundeok, all 4 of the boys circled him, but at the exact moment, the washroom door burst open again. There stood Sundeok's brothers. Sundeok had called them while Vernon was fighting.

They had a dark, murderous look. The 4 boys gulped, knowing what the future held for them.

Everyone stood outside the restaurant. Sundeok was crying in Jin's arms while the police took the 4 injured boys for investigation.

One boy had a black eye, and another had a bleeding nose with a few cuts on his face. The other one had a bleeding forehead and a broken arm. The last boy was knocked out.

Seona was trying to comfort her best friend. Vernon was staring at Sundeok.

Jungkook placed his hand on Vernon's shoulder.

"Thanks, man. You saved our sister again."

Vernon flashed a small smile, nodding.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Jimin butted in.

"Ah, I'm here to help my father with his business."

That's when he remembered about his clients, and his eyes widened.

"Oh my! I'm sorry, but I have to go now."

He ran away without waiting for a reply from the brothers.

The Kim siblings and Seona arrived at their hotel. Jin didn't want Sundeok to be alone, but she insisted, saying she wanted to be alone. At last, Jin gave up and agreed.

Seona was upset. She lay on her bed thinking about today's incident.

"I should've gone with her to the washroom," she muttered to herself. Just then, she heard a knock at her door.

"Who's awake at this hour?" she whispered to herself. "It's probably Sundeok."

She opened the door to see, "Jungkook, what are you doing here at this hour?" she asked, letting him in.

Jungkook sighed.

"I can't sleep. I thought you'd be awake, so I came to have a chat."

Seona got confused. She closed the door and gestured for him to sit beside her.

"What's the matter?"


Jungkook's face showed how worried he was.

"What happened? Is she alright?"

Jungkook sighed again.

"No, she isn't."

Seona placed her hand on his shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"She just acts like she's fine, but I know she isn't. She has changed a lot after that incident."


"Yes. Did you see how she reacted when I called her an ugly witch? Normally, she would throw a tantrum and pull my hair, but she just called me a 'little shit' and stayed silent. She has become too silent. It scares me. And today, I wanted to be with her, but she locked herself in her room."

"Jungkook, it's not easy for her. It's not easy for any girl. She's getting dirty letters every day. It's stressing her-"

"Wait, dirty letters?"

Seona sighed.

"She didn't tell you, did she?" Jungkook shook his head, confused.

"A group of boys was sending her dirty letters. You know, about that stuff. I told her to tell you, but..." Jungkook's heart tightened.

His twin sister was suffering more than he thought.

"What did you say?" his voice dropped an octave, and his eyes darkened.

"Jungkook, control yourself. This is why she didn't tell you." Seona scolded.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?!" Jungkook yelled, making her flinch.

Jungkook calmed down seeing this. He sighed for the nth time.

"I'm sorry," he muttered.

"It's okay, just relax."

Meanwhile, Sundeok sneaked out of her room and went to the beach in front of the hotel. It was midnight, and not a single soul was present.

She stared at the calming sea. The gentle breeze made her hair sway.

"Thinking of suiciding?"

She turned around to see Vernon. He was wearing a casual T-shirt with shorts. She smiled lightly. Vernon stood next to her.

"Yes," she replied casually.

"Go ahead."

Sundeok looked at him with wide eyes.


Vernon chuckled.

"Why do you think about the world when you already have a small world for yourself? The world can say anything, but did you think about yours? Your brothers?"

Sundeok bit her bottom lip. She felt guilty.


"Want to walk with me?" Vernon offered, extending his hand.

She hesitantly took it. She knew her brothers would kill her if they saw her with a guy. But who cares now? She found comfort within this man, and that's all that mattered for now.

They walked on the beach. It was dark, but the moonlight was enough to illuminate the surroundings.

"Thank you," she muttered, feeling shy.

"For what?" he asked without looking at her.

"You saved me twice, and now you're staying with me. It's comforting. Thank you so much."

Vernon smiled.

"You owe me."

Sundeok nodded.

"I'll do anything to repay you."

Vernon thought for a while.

"I'll tell you if I need anything, but not now."

"Anyway, how did you know I'm here?" Sundeok asked. Vernon shrugged in response.

"I didn't. It was just a coincidence. I wanted to have a walk at the beach."

After a while, they went back to the hotel.

The next morning

The Kim siblings and Seona went to roam around the city. First, they went to the Dongmun market, where they split up. After a few rounds of rock paper scissors, the teams were decided.

Jungkook and Seona

Taehyung and Sundeok

Jimin and Hoseok

Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi.

Taehyung and Sundeok went to the food stalls and enjoyed the street food while bickering playfully.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Seona awkwardly walked here and there.

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