part 37

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"Fine.then it's a war"

In less than a second,both Sundeok and Jungkook were fighting with food.

"Kim Sundeok! Stop it!"Jin shouted seeing them wasting his precious food.

When Sundeok threw the kimchi dish towards Jungkook,he bent down resulting Taehyung to be the victim.

"Yah!!"he shouted and threw his boiled egg towards Sundeok.But it was hit to Jimin who was trying to stop Sundeok.

"What the--!"

And just like that he also joined to the food war.

"Kids!stop this!"Namjoon also shouted.He stood up trying to stop the maknaes.

Jungkook quickly grabbed a raw egg from the refrigerator. He threw it towards Sundeok but unfortunate Namjoon was on his way.The raw egg ended up on his face.

"Oops"Jungkook smiled nervously while holding another egg on his hand.

Namjoon slowly removed the egg yolk.He sighed.

"Fine then"

He took his dish and threw it towards hoseok who was laughing his ass off.

"Jungkook-ah,give me some eggs!"Namjoon shouted.

Soon Kim siblings were fighting with every food they could reach.Except Jin,Hyesung and Yoongi.Yoongi was peaceful eating even though he was bathed in food.He removed some noodles which were stuck in his shirt pockets and continued to eat.

"Can't you hear me?!stob it!"Jin shouted furiously. "Kids!I said--"

He was hit with the pudding which was kept for deserts by someone.

Hyesung had enough. She stood up on the table.

"EVERYONE! FREEZE!"She shouted.

The kitchen went from choas to dead silence.Everyone was freezed on their spots.

Jungkook and Sundeok were bathed in raw eggs and flour.They were pulling each other's hair but were freezed now.

Jimin was standing in one leg,ready to throw a fist full of flour but after a second,he was on the floor not being able to stand in one leg.

Taehyung was biting hoseok's arm.

Yoongi was in a position where he was about to eat,mouth opened.

Hyesung got off from the table.

"Can I close my mouth?"Yoongi asked after a long silence.

Hyesung sighed.


Everyone became relaxed except Jungkook and Sundeok who were still pulling each other's hair.

"Let go you idiot!'She screamed and pulled his hair even more.

"No!you let go you horrible witch!"

Suddenly both of them received a good smacking on their heads by Hyesung. She held their ears and parted them.

"Ow ow!noona!it hurts"


"Kim seokjin!"Hyesung yelled.

Jin jumped in shock.

"Yes chagiya?"he asked nervously.

"Is this how you raised these kids?I was away for only 2 years.Look how they have grown up!"

Jin started to whine.

"Ah!chagiya~it's not easy!I just had to look after these 6 ungrateful brats without you.Think how difficult it for me.Beside I'm  a doctor. I'm a busy person"

Hyesung sighed.

"Do you guys see how much you wasted food?your brother worked hard to cook this dinner for you guys.He's a doctor so he's tired.But despite that he cooked for you guys.Is this how you thank him?"

She still didn't let go of Sundeok and Jungkook. Everyone held a guilty look.Jin was feeling proud.

"I'm sorry"Sundeok muttered guiltily. Jungkook also muttered a sorry.

Others also apologized.

"Now as a punishment,clean this whole house.Do laundries by your hands not with the machine.Sundeok and Jungkook take care of the kitchen. Jimin and Taehyung will do laundry. Namjoon and hoseok will clean the house.And yoongi?"

Yoongi raised his head.

"But I didn't do anything "he said innocently.

"You can sleep"Hyesung said making his eyes go in to hearts.He had a big victorious gummy smile.

"And Jin "

"I didn't do anything too"

"I know. You just need a talk with me."

Jin nodded like an obedient kid.

"Now everyone. Start working. No sleeping till you finish your punishment. Tomorrow is Saturday so no school for kids.So you can't escape"Hyesung said giving a glare to both Sundeok and Jungkook.

"Okay"everyone agreed.

Everyone was doing their respective works.Jungkook and Sundeok were still covered with flour.

"Eww,you're smelly!"Sundeok said while cleaning the table.

Jungkook was cleaning the counter.

"It's your smell not mine."He replied not even looking at her.

"No it's not me"

"Touch your still has egg yolks"Jungkook with a smirk.

Sundeok touch the back of her head only to make a disgusted face.

"Eww. But you should check your pant pockets too.I remember putting an egg on it.It must have crushed by now"Sundeok said casually.

Jungkook put his hand inside his pant pocket and felt the crushed raw egg.

"I guess,we are both smelly"he said as a matter of fact.

They both looked at each other at the same time.

"Yeah"they both said in unison and continued to work.

Then they heard a crushing sound of a vase with a roar of laughter definitely from hoseok.

"SORRY!"Namjoon shouted from the living room.

"Why didn't you tell them about Vernon?"Jungkook asked while cleaning.

"It's too early.And I'm scared.What if they start a war against Vernon and me again?I'll be alone.You will definitely get family's side."

Jungkook stopped his work and looked at her.

"What?no.I'll be in your side this time.I promise."

Sundeok sighed.

"You don't trust me?"he asked again.


"Yah!!"he shouted and threw some noodles to her which was on his head earlier.

"Okay okay!I trust you.But I need time.I'm still not ready to tell them"

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

"If you say so"he said and continued to clean.

"Noona is angry.I never saw her this angry."Jungkook said with a pout.

"It's because we were really ungrateful to Jin oppa.He has done so much for us.But look what we do.Did we ever thank him?"she said with guilt.

"I know.But still we love him.He's the best brother I could ever ask."

Sundeok hummed.

"His birth day is coming. Let's do something"she said.

Jungkook looked at her and smiled evily.


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