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"I don't think you should tell him that part." Jin said as he nibbled on a pear.

Jimin sighed putting the frosting can down, "But why? If he knows why I'm being so nice he will appreciate it and maybe talk to me."

Jin shook his head no, "Uh, Jimin, baby, uh, this is not a K-Drama, okay? He's not going to greet you with his arms open. I mean, he moved in three days ago and hasn't had the decency to come say hi after your numerous attempts to invite him over."

"Well, I've been too shy to invite him in person. I've been leaving invitations at his mailbox. I guess he checks it when I'm at work or doing school work or something. The invitations aren't there no more."

"Even worse! You made a written invitation and he hasn't come. Wait, how do you know he has the invitations?"

"I check his box in the morning during my morning walk."

"You check his mailbox?" Jin shrieked.

"No! Of course not! That's invasion of privacy. I only peek."

"You can get in trouble for that." Jin scolded.

Jimin kept frosting the cake too embarrassed to look up. He told himself he wouldn't let him know about that part. However, sometimes Jimin spoke before he thought.

"I only peeked. It's no big deal really. Does this cake look nice?"

Jin rolled his eyes, "Stop trying to change the topic."

"Does it look nice or not? I don't want to take him a poppy looking cake." Jimin asked again.

"I mean, yeah, it does. Why did you frost it with that pastel yellow? It looks like it's a gender reveal cake or something."

"What? What makes you think that? I frosted it this color because I don't know his favorite one so this is neutral enough."

"The color and that ballon looking thing gives me baby vibes."

"That's suppose to be a flower." Jimin said disappointed.

"Ahhh! I was kidding, Jimin-ah. It looks fantastic. It's wonderful. It deserves a chefs kiss. Muah, muah, muah!"

Jimin giggled as he watched Jin blow obnoxiously loud kisses to the wind. "Thank you. I tried. I know he's going to love it."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I haven't seen him leave once to get food since he's moved in. He must be hungry."

Jin wiggled his eyebrows, "You watch the neighbor, huh?"

"Stop it. Don't make it sound weird. I might observe him every now and then."

"Eww. Observe sounds weirder."

Jimin turned around and looked at his fruit basket, "Should I take him some?"

"Oh yeah, while you're at it why don't you take him some ham, bread, rice and noddles?"

Jimin nodded and walked towards his cabinet. Jin chuckled, he was too pure. "I'm messing. The cake is enough. Don't take him all your food."

"Right. Right. I just don't know how to act around others. Especially cute guys."

"Is he really that cute though? The sun was shining mighty hard that day and I could barely see him."

"Yes! He's gorgeous! He's-he's-he's-" Jimin was smiling so big he couldn't even talk. The neighbor gave him butterflies he couldn't explain.

"You seem so excited about him. Maybe he can be your new boyfriend."

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