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Jimin was watering the plants as usual. Only this time he wasn't humming to a song nor smiling.

He had his earphones in his sad playlist was playing at full blast. After the fail moment with Yoongi his mood had deflated quite a lot.

During the weekend Jin stayed over and they had lots of fun. They watched a bunch of comedy videos and ate popcorn until they almost threw up.

But now that the weekend was over and both had to get back to their normal schedules it brought Jimin back to that sad mood.


That was the word Yoongi had used. Friend. That's the only way he could see him as. Just a friend.

Jimin wasn't sure what hurt more. The fact that he brought himself to believe Yoongi could ever like him or the fact that he continued with the contract and only got more attached.

It wasn't Yoongi's fault. In reality it was his own. He knew what he was getting into all along and still kept doing it because he just couldn't let go.

Jimin felt someone staring at him and he looked up to see his coworker, Taehyung from across.

He was also watering plants but had his eyes fixed on, Jimin. It was rare to ever see him not smiling or talking.

Jimin removed his earphones and paused the music. "Hey Taehyung." He smiled. Even when he was upset he managed to put a smile on his face.

Taehyung nodded as greet and kept staring. Jimin already knew what he was thinking about.

"It was awful. My cute neighbor doesn't feel the same way I do. It's okay though. I knew he didn't like me from the start. It was my own fault. I don't know. It's okay though because he said I am a good friend and although I'm hurt I'm at least his friend. You know maybe that's all we were ever meant to be. It'll take time to recover from this, but I'm just glad he's in my life one way or another."

Taehyung sighed softly. He could sort of understand his pain at the moment. Jungkook never texted back. It was a terrible text to send anyways.

"Taehy...okay. Bye!" Jimin told as he watched him walk away. The heart aching pain started once again. He decided to get back to work and started listening to music again.

A gentle nudge startled him. There was Taheyung with a GoGo SqueeZ applesauce bag handing it to him.

Jimin loved those.

"For me?" He asked with wide eyes.

Taehyung nodded. "Thank you! Wow." He told as he took it. Taehyung responded with a smile and then headed back inside the store.

Now Jimin was feeling a little bit better.


"I'll be right back." Namjoon said.

"Okay." Jungkook responded with a smile.

"You better not sneak out and come with another plant, alright? Bubbles is enough work." Namjoon said pointing to him in the back seat.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Yes father. Yes."

"Don't say that. Ew."

"You sure act like my father when you're being all bossy. I'd like to remind you we're only a year apart."

"Yeah, but I don't make TikToks. That automatically makes you twelve in my eyes." He said grabbing the book and opening the car door.

Jungkook tried to think of a good come back to say and couldn't. "Good point. Okay. I won't come back with another plant."

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