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"You know what? I'm just going to wait inside for you. It's hot as shit out here." Jin said walking up the steps.

"But, we are bonding together in nature. Isn't it lovely?" He asked extending his arms out while looking up at the sky.

"Fuck no. It's eighty three degrees out in this bitch. I don't come out unless it's sixty with a breeze. I'm done. See you inside."

"Listen it'll be-"

Jin slammed the door shut and Jimin stayed behind with a sigh. His best friend had never been the outdoor person. Surprisingly, he had lasted a whole ten minutes out in the sun with him.

The door opened up again and Jimin looked up excited. "Can I have a pack of your pop tarts and a coke?"

Jimin frowned, he thought he'd come out again to join him. "Yeah, yeah." He replied and went back to digging the hole.

"You're the best." He grinned taking a sip of coke.

Jimin was currently planting new flowers on the side of his house. It was blooming season and he enjoyed having his yard look beautiful.

He glanced at Yoongi's yard which looked atrocious. The grass was too long and it looked empty compared to his.

In his defense he did have terrible seasonal allergies so he let it slide. As he was putting the flower down a voice behind him made him gasp.


He quickly set the flower down in the hole and got up. There Dahyun was with a cheesecake at hand and a bright smile.

"Hello." He timidly replied.

"Yoongi told me you liked to bake. I certainly didn't bake this, but I wanted to bring you one as an apology. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I hope you forgive me."

"Oh, th-thank you. You-you shouldn't have..." he whispered removing his garden gloves and  receiving the cake.

"I wanted to. Do you like cheesecake? I can bring you something else if you don't."

"Yes ma'am I like cheesecake. Thank you." He said his cheeks turning pink. 

She laughed, "Oh no! Don't call me ma'am. It's okay, you can call me Dahyun."

"Sorry, I'm just so used to it. My parents always raised me to be respectful. Especially, towards ladies."

"You're so cute and really nice. I truly appreciate you for not holding a grudge. I know I messed up your plans with, Yoongi. He's become a good friend of yours, right?"

Jimin nodded slowly. It felt so odd to talk about Yoongi to the girl he was competing with.

"Can I confess something to you? I like Yoongi. He's so cool. I don't know if he likes me too, but I like being with him. I'm not telling you this so you help me get with him. I just wanted to let you know why I went with you guys Friday. It was an excuse to be with him not to embarrass you. I'm sorry."

Jimin processed this all in his head. He wanted to feel anger towards her. He wanted to hate her because it would make it easier to try to steal Yoongi away from her. But, he couldn't. How could he?

"You're an angel." He admitted looking down at his cheesecake.

"Oh stop! You're too nice." She smiled sheepishly.

"I-I accept your apology. I know you didn't mean no harm. I appreciate you coming here to tell me in person."

"Alright. Well since everything's settled now I will get going. Have a good day, Jimin." She said excusing herself.

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