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Jimin woke up to Yoongi's phone going off. He didn't dare to open his eyes. He wasn't ready to face him just yet.

Even though they hadn't slept in the same room he was afraid to even think about confronting him.  A sudden flashback from the previous night came to mind.

"Jimin, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to snap. I was angry. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. It's not your fault.

"You are angry." He clarified. He could tell by the way his eyes looked. He looked tired, angry with a hint of sadness.

The heartache hadn't gone away. In fact it intensified by the second. He had this pang of pain in the center of his chest and it just hurt to breathe.

"I am...I just...I'm confused." Yoongi admitted.

"Very well. I'll let you sort out your confusion then. Goodnight Yoongi." He said as he closed the car door behind.

He wanted to turn back around and scream at him, 'Can't you see that I'm so in love with you? Why can't you see me? Why don't you ever see me?'.

However, he didn't think his heart could take another blow. Not right now. It had been such a long night all he desired was to sleep. If sleep was even possible. He walked up the steps and sighed loudly.

His car keys were in his pocket but not the house key. It was inside the car which was back at their house.

He kept looking at the ground hoping Yoongi would leave soon. He could wait for Jin to get back. It wouldn't be long.

He took out his phone and pretended to be talking on the phone. Yoongi's car was still in the background making his whole face turn red.

"Yeah. Totally. That's awesome. I had the best burgers of my life." He said out loud. The knot on his throat kept getting bigger.

He froze when he heard him get out the car. Steps were getting closer. No, please. Go away. He wanted to say but that's now what his heart wanted.

"Jimin. Are you locked out?"

He breathed quietly, "Yeah that's fine. S-so I'll see you here." He said and put his phone back in his pocket.

"What? Did you say something?" He asked pretending he hadn't heard.

"I asked if you were locked out."

"Oh. Yeah. Only for a few minutes. I just spoke to Jin. He's on the way back home." He lied.

Yoongi didn't look too convinced. "You can stay at my house if you'd like. It's chilly out here."

"No thank you. I'll be fine. I'll just chill in my porch. I could use the fresh air either way."

"Please. I insist. It's the least I can do for you after being such a jerk."

Stupid lovable jerk. He thought. "Uhh...no. I'll-I'll be fine. I swear. It won't even be long." Or so he hoped.

"Please. At least until he gets home." He insisted.

Jimin wanted to stand his ground and say no. However, after eating so much and feeling emotionally drained he just wanted to lay down in bed and rest. At least only close his eyes and escape this reality.

"O-okay. Only until he gets home." He said.

Jimin opened both eyes when he heard the front door shut. He surprisingly didn't have a headache.

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