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"Oh fuck." Taehyung groaned.

"That statement can either mean something really good happened or you're fucked." Hoseok said while practicing the dance move in front of the mirror.

"I'm fucked."

"Why's that?"

"I took your advice and looked up Jungkook on social media."

"Yeah and? You wanted to see him didn't you?"

"Yes, but now I know this and I wish I didn't."

"Oh no. He's straight?"

"What? Well, actually I don't know. Now I'm worried about that too. Gee, thanks." He frowned.

"Oops. My bad. Forget I even said that. What else did you find then?"

Taehyung held up his phone. He was sitting on the floor watching Hoseok practice a new choreography.

He stopped dancing and walked towards him then took his phone. "Oh no. He's an e-boy."

"Exactly. To make things worse he even linked his TikTok on his bio."

"He clearly looks like an e-boy. The hand tattoos, the long hair, the edgy I don't give a fuck style. Didn't you notice that when you saw him in person?"

"I assumed his hand tattoos were fake and he had a hat on that day. He was dressed normal I guess? I don't know."

"It's not that bad. He's handsome." He told handing him the phone back.

Taehyung instantly exit out of the picture and scrolled back on top of his page. Nearly fourteen million followers on Instagram.

He thought that his eight hundred followers was a lot. And here was Jungkook with millions of followers.

He clicked on the link to view his TikTok account. "Holy fuck." He dramatically said falling back on the floor.

"Now what?"

"He has thirty two million followers."

"Shit! You're crushing on a celebrity!" He beamed enthusiastically.

"I don't know is he considered a celebrity even if it's TikTok?"

"Fuck yeah. That kid is making more money than me and I own my own dance studio and give lessons."

"What the fuck does he post to get that many likes?" Taehyung wondered. He was too afraid to view any of the videos.

He had simply been staring at Jungkook's profile picture the whole time. It was very cute and eye catching for sure.

"Umm, his face?"

Taehyung finally got the courage to click on the video he had posted about one hour ago. It already had three million likes and about one million comments.

His head was hurting just to look at the numbers. He couldn't imagine being half as famous as he was.

As the video progressed he felt his face turn bright red and Hoseok notice. "What are you looking at huh?" He asked heading his way hey again.

Taehyung panicked and threw his phone across the room. "Woah. Okay." Hoseok said. "Dammit, Hoseok you startled me."

"Me? You're the one that threw your phone." He told picking it up and then taking a sit next to him.

"He posted this an hour ago." Taehyung mumbled biting on his nail. It was a nasty habit of his. It was especially worse when he was anxious and at the moment he was.

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