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"Mother can you stop," Yoongi sighed embarrassed. His mom ignore him and gave him a kiss once again.

"I'm just so proud of you, honey!"

"Uh huh. Yeah, how about you kiss me in here? Don't want my neighbors to see." He told opening the door.

"Don't be such a baby! I'm your mother."

"Exactly, I don't need them to see this. It's embarrassing."

She rolled her eyes and just as she started walking Yoongi spotted the neighbor from across walking towards them.


"Min Yoongi! I've taught you better than that!"

"Mother please hurry up."

"And now you're hurrying me up? Oh hell no, just because you're twenty-one and live by yourself does not mean I won't whop your ass."

"Yes I know. It's just that I really need you to come on in because my weird neighbor is coming again. Don't turn around-"

"What weird neighbor?" She asked turning around.

Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose taking a deep breath, "Mother did I not just tell you not to look?"

"I don't give a flying fuck. I do what I want. Where's the weird neighbor where?"

"Right there. The one with the big smile and that dumb yellow cake."

Jimin was by the mailbox now and he kept a smile on his face though he was nervous. A lady was with his dreamy neighbor and although he was friendly he wasn't the social type.

He often felt weird trying to start a conversation. In fact, he couldn't keep a regular conversation going.

If there was silence he started pulling his shirt or fidgeting with his fingers. He hated silence. He was never comfortable with it because then he felt like all the attention was on him.

That's what was happening at the moment. Yoongi and the older lady were just looking at him with no expression. 

Actually, Yoongi did have an annoyed angry look, but Jimin overlooked that because seeing him was more than enough.

He had made up his mind that if Yoongi was straight he at least wanted him to br his friend. So, he tried to contain his beating heart as he stepped closer.

Please, don't trip. Please don't trip. Please don't.

"He's not weird. He's cute!" She gushed as Jimin was finally in front of them.

"I didn't trip!" He beamed excited.

"Hey honey! I see that." She told.

Yoongi avoided eye contact bored at the conversation already. "Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Park Jimin the neighbor from across!"

"I'm Mrs. Min, Yoongi's mother. Nice to meet you."

Min Yoongi.

That was his name. He finally knew his name after a week of moving in. Wow, even his name was perfection.

"Oh, that's a nice name," Jimin immediately regretted saying that. What a dumb thing to say.

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