Chapter Thirteen

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An exam? AN EXAM?

My heart started beating unreasonably fast, a sick feeling rushing through my entire body. My knees began to shake. I grabbed onto the back of my chair to steady myself.

Alpha Graves looked around expectantly, "Of course, it's important that our doctors are able to respond to a situation without any preparation. Now, I know that you were informed that you didn't have any exams or assessments today, so you will have next Saturday completely free. But, I think that you should all go, don't want to leave your exam waiting,"

I looked down at my shivering hand, I felt someone grab onto my shoulders,

"Look, Ally, you're alright, you've got this, stop worrying," Ivy assured me, pulling me away from the chair,

"I haven't even prepared," I whispered, lips quivering,

Magnolia stood up, standing on my side with her arm around my shoulders, "You don't need to study and you know it. You're very well prepared and even if you haven't prepared at all, you would still be able to do whatever your task is. But, if you don't leave now, you're going to fail since you missed the exam."

I slowly tried to calm myself down, "You're right, I need to go-"

"Yes! You do! Go!" Magnolia assured, Ivy pushing me forward.

My feet started moving as I went around the group of chairs and following the large lines of the fellow medical students that were following the Alpha's instructions. We disappeared into the hallway, following the lines into the medical room. As I walked in, the entire room had been changed, I couldn't see Valeria anywhere so she had probably been charted out and placed somewhere else for better treatment. 

Every single person that had been in the fights were now splayed out, each person individually lying on their beds. At the ends of each bed were signs holding names.

I found mine in an instant.

"Head to the bed with your name please," An unrecognizable professor in a long white jacket announced.

I headed over to the bed with my name, Althea Lavois was written in a neat print of a shiny white canvas. I looked down at the man, he was moaning, his head lolling back on forth. He wasn't hooked up to anything, no medication, nothing. His injuries were left plain, nothing covered or stitched, nothing.

I was beginning to have an inkling of what my exam may be about.

Another group of people came in, all doctors wearing identical white coats, stethoscopes around the neck and identification attached to their undershirt.

They walked up and around, each person came and stood by each bed, a sophisticated and unimpressed expression on each and every one of their faces. A tall, dark-haired woman came over and stood opposite to me, giving me a quick once over, looking at the body and then staring back at the professor that had begun talking. 

"All these doctors are from Sanitatem, and are all professionals in their craft. They will be watching and observing you throughout your exams." The professor informed, striding through the room.

"Now, you have two hours to heal whoever resides in your assigned bed, heal them and pass, fail and... well... fail. The professionals here are to ensure that no one here dies and will take over if they see you fit. Your time begins... now."

My heart was beating out of my chest at his words.

I looked down at the man in the bed. I took a deep breath before assessing his wounds. I grabbed onto his head and readjusted it, straightening both it and his entire body. I found the wounds, mild head trauma, a deep cut on his lower abdomen, major bruising along his arms and a broken foot.

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