Chapter Thirty Seven

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In truth, we had spent three days completely holed up in our new house. We had done our main bedroom first, fixing up the bed and having all of the furniture delivered. Paint was slathered on top of the walls with sheets and pillows strewn all over the floor.

It wasn't perfect, but we knew that the house would be completed in time.

Though, it wasn't our priority.

There had been an attack on Artium, one on Sanitatem only a few hours later. The Alpha's were in an uproar, forcing the meeting to be as soon as possible, sending Orion and I into a flurry. I was shoving the bare necessities into a small bag. Our main priority was to leave as soon as possible, knowing that we couldn't be even a second late. I tightened the straps of the bag and wrapped it around my wrist.

"Orion! You better be ready to go! We need to leave now!" I shouted, running out of the closet and into the main room.

Orion's eyes were wild and still half asleep. "Let's go. Right now,"

I bolted out of the hallway, right out the door and into the front yard. I pulled off the clothes I had in one swift motion, quickly shifting into into my wolf and holding the bag suspended between my teeth. 

The sky was dark, an endless, deep blue with shining stars glistening. Once I had focused in properly, I could see the large outline of Orion's wolf. I gave him a small nod of my head before starting to run, him easily catching up and running just slightly in front of me as to get the directions right. It wasn't a crazy long run, yet long enough for the ache to settle uncomfortably in my bones, a burn in my muscles. We only stopped once, going by a creek to take a small drink before going right back to running.

We arrived in the early hours of the morning, the sky a delicate watercolour of pinks, oranges and a hazy blue. The Pax pack was completely empty, not even a soul in sight.

Hidden behind a group of trees, Orion and I shifted, quickly pulling out a pair of dress clothes and throwing them on as neatly as possible. I pulled my hair behind me and desperately tried to make it look as neat as possible.

"How do I look?"

Orion pressed a kiss to my cheek, "Completely rapturing, we're also about to be late."

We walked as quickly as possible, heading to the large pack house. Orion shifted into Alpha mode, an in an attempt to look nearly as important as he, I rested my face and pushed back my shoulders.

Orion didn't bother knocking, simply walking straight through the door, obviously knowing exactly where to go. As we walked through the pack house, only a few people were roaming the halls, though we weren't anywhere near the living quarters. 

We came to a door and Orion gently tapped his fist against just for a moment before pushing the door open. He held his hand casually in his pockets,

"Excuse me, I apologise for being late, the message of the new time had issue reaching the Vindex Pack," Orion said cooly, taking his seat at the long table where everyone else was seated.

I sat down next to him, cringing at Alpha Graves neutral expression.

"Of course," He said, "One must never be mad when the other is not even at fault."

"And yet we still managed to get here on time, and our trip to Pax is at least doubled what there's would be," My alpha- ex alpha said.

"I have no interest in listening to your maliciousness Ezekial, I would be willing to bet that we have more pressing matters to discuss over travel times." Orion glared. "Now, someone brief both Myself, Samael and Kingsley about what happened during the attacks.

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