Zayn Malik Migrane

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'Make it stop!' Zayn thought squinting his eyes shut and then opening them again. Even the lighting is starting go hurt the poor boys head. He groans slightly and then, steal my girl starts. Oh no.....

9 hours earlier

One direction are getting ready to go to an interview. They have a show tonight, but they have 2 interviews and a radio show. Yep, a very busy day today. Zayn, was not excited, since his head was really hurting today. He didn't think much if it at first, so he just continued to get ready and stuff.

"Come on boys!" Their driver called.

'Ouch!' Zayn thought rubbing his temples.

That kinda hurt his head. He just shrugged it off and headed out to the tour bus with others. They all climbed on and started to do various things.

Zayn went straight to his bunk and crawled in. He closed his curtains and closed his eyes, hoping to relieve the pain in his head. The only problem is, the boys were being so annoying and loud. They sounded like they were having fun, so Zayn didnt want to ruin their fun by telling them to be quiet or anything.

He sucked it up and tried to block them out. It didnt work very well though. He sighed sadly and put his pillow on his head. He was just in so much pain!

About 15 minutes later, his curtains to his bunk got ripped open by Niall.

"Zayn, we need to go the interview." Niall says shaking him.

"Ok, stop shaking me." Zayn says, voice muffled slightly, from lying down face first.

Niall leaves and Zayn sits up. His head hurts even more, it feels like a migraine! Oh no! He sighs sadly and leaves the bus with the others. They head inside the interview building and up to the correct floor. Floor 4. They enter the room and sit on the sofa.

Harry, Niall and Zayn were sat on the couch and Louis and Liam were sat on each arm of the sofa.

"Ok, let's start in 3.....2.....1 and action." The director says and the interview begins.

Zayn isnt a huge fan of the bright lights pointing directly at them. It's making his head hurt 10x more.

"Zayn?" The interviewer asks.

"Zayn?!" She asks a bit louder.

"ZAYN!!!!!!" Everyone yells making him snap out of his daze.

"W-What?" He asks confused.

Now that is a symptom of a migrane right there. Being withdrawn from things. Well..... its obvious he has one, just thought to mention it.

"Are you ok, mate?" Louis asks him concerned for his friend.

"Yeah..... I'm fine." Zayn says completely lying.

Louis just nods, not completely convinced. He looks a little pale, but maybe its nerves. You know? Cuz the concert they have tonight. They all get a bit nervous before it starts. I mean, who doesn't?

"Do you wanna answer the question?" The interviewer asks raising an eyebrow.

"Uhhhh......" Zayn starts but trails off.

"Zayn, do you not listen or something?" Liam asks him slightly rude.

"Hey, stop that." Louis tells him sternly.

"Sorry, guys." Zayn says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Its ok, mate." Niall says smiling at him. Zayn smiles back, head still throbbing.

Once the interview was over, they headed out to get some lunch before the next one. Zayn didnt feel like eating that much though, because he has a bit of a tummy ache. They went to Nandos.

"What do all of you want?" Liam asks.

They all order, except Zayn.

"Zayn, buddy, what do you want?" Liam asks and Zayn shrugs.

"Come on, buddy. You need some food in your system." Harry says from the other end of table.

"Stop, guys." Zayn mumbles slightly annoyed.

"SORRY!!!!!" The boys all say together making Zayn wince at how loud they are.

Zayn let's the boys eat their Nandos, before they get back in the bus to go to their next interview place.

Time skip cuz I'm lazy

It was 7.50pm, the boys are due on stage in 10 minutes. Poor Zayn is feeling even worse. He knows he should tell the boys, but he wants to perform for everyone. He's starting to feel nauseous now too and he is starting sweat now too. He wants to blame it on nerves, but he knows it's not. It's his migrane. He just closes his eyes to try and relieve the pain, but nothing works. 10 minutes later, the boys are ushered on stage.

They go running out, Zayn feeling more and more nauseous by the minute. The screaming, the lights, the music, it's all too much for the poor boys head.

"You lot ok?" Louis asks making everyone scream.

'Make it stop!' Zayn thought squinting his eyes shut and then opening them again.

Even the lighting is starting to hurt the poor boys head. He groans slightly and then, steal my girl starts. Oh no.

"She be my queen since we were sixt-" He starts but then throws up everywhere!

Everyone gasps as Zayn starts to cry. All the boys rush over to him and take him backstage.

"Dude, why didn't you tell us you were feeling sick?" Liam asks him confused.

"We had a show." Zayn replies weakly.

Liam and Niall help him lay down on one of the sofas they have backstage.

"So, what hurts?" Liam asks him crouching down in front of the sofa he's laying on.

"All day my head has been killing me. I kept sweating and feeling nauseous. I feel very sensitive to light and sound." Zayn explains weakly.

"Sounds like a migrane. I used to get them quite a lot when I was little." Harry says and the others nod in agreement. Well, except Zayn. (A/N: Idk if Harry used to get migraines or not.)

"Ok, you stay here and rest, we'll finish the show." Louis says and Zayn nods closing his eyes.

"Ok, the stage is all cleaned now." A random cleaner says and the four nod, heading back on stage, leaving Zayn to rest on the sofa.

Hiiiiii. This chapter isnt the best and I'm sorry about that. Again, I've never been to one of their concerts, so Idk what time they start, or what the boys do there. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!  

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