Liam Payne Tourettes

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All Liam's life he's been a laughing stock. He blurs out random things. So things hurtful, some things not. He also has these random movements called Tics. You see, the poor boy has Tourette's. Ever since he was about 5 or 6, Liam's parents started to notice these random words he says and random little movements, later diagnosed as Tourette's syndrome.

Its currently 9.58pm and the boys are still at the studio. They cant go home until they've finished recording, but Liam is struggling a lot as usual. His tics keep getting in the way.

"Hurry up, Liam. We ain't got all night." Their manger says rolling his eyes.

Liam blinks his eyes repeatedly and nods, before clicking his tounge a few times. He clears his throat and tries again.

The other boys were getting very tired and bored now. They know Liam can't help it, but they wish he would hurry the fuck up.

Niall was slowly drifting off to sleep, while Harry had actually fallen asleep. They were all so tired.

"Niall, mage, dont fall asleep just yet." Management says to Niall and gently shaking his shoulder.

Niall yawns and nods, rubbing at his tired looking eyes. He sighs sadly and lays his head back on the couch they were all sitting on.

"Haz, wake up, mate." Louis says gently shaking Harry's shoulder.

Harry stretches and sits up, rubbing at his tired eyes, before sitting up and yawning, laying his head on his best friends shoulder.

"Oh my god, Liam! Hurry the fuck up! It's fucking 10.07pm!" Zayn yells at Liam who's in the booth trying to record his part.

"I'm so- *tic* sorr- *tic* sorry." Liam says sadly and clearing his throat, before clicking his tongue again.

Harry says slightly annoyed and closes his eyes again. He was just so tired he cant even stay awake.

After another 25 minutes, Liam had finally completed his part of the song.

"Took ya long enough." Louis says as he exits the booth and sits on the sofa with them.

Liam ticked and just sighs sadly, looking down at his lap. It's not his fault, he cant help it.

Lois gets up to go record his bit. He was done in 10 minutes.

An hour later, they were all done and finally got to go home...... at 11.32pm.

"God, Liam,you could've been quicker, ya know? We would all be asleep by now if you didnt take forever." Louis says as he starts the car up and reverses the car out of the car park of the studio.

Liam didnt say anything apart from shrug his shoulders repeatedly, another famous tic of his.

At 12.10am, the boys all arrived home and headed inside, going straight up to their bedrooms.

Liam lays down in his bad, sadness and hurt washing over him. Why did the boys treat him like that? They're never normal like that. Are they finally fed up with him?

Liam's mind kept racing with bad thoughts. He difnt fall asleep until about 1.30am.

The next morning when he woke up,he headed downstairs to see all the boys watching 'Friends.'

"Morning Liam. Hey, we're really sorry." Zayn says sincerely.

"Yeah, me and Zayn we're really mean to you. These two did nothing wrong." Louis says nodding towards Harry and Niall and Liam jusg nods.

Alk the boys get up and go over to Liam, embracing him in a tight hug.

"We're so sorry. We were all just tired and angsty I guess." Zayn says and Liam just nods again, but hugs them all back.

By the afternoon, all the boys were laughing and having fun. They didnt care about Liam's tourettes. It's not his fault he cant control it.

Hewoooooo!!! It's been awhile since I've updated this book. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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