Harry Styles Anorexic

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Recently, Harry hasnt been eating as much as he used to. Every time the boys tell him dinner us ready, he refuses to come down and eat. Je just tells them full or not hungry. They believe him.

Anyways, its currently 8.00am abd Harry has just woken up. He looks to his right to see a still fast asleep Louis, his arms around Harry's waist. He wriggled out of Louis' grasp and heads to the bathroom to pee. He pee's, flushes the toilet and washes his hands.

'Ugh, I look dreadful.' Harry thought looking in the mirror.

Then, he does what he always does..... takes his shirt off and stares at,what he calls, he fat stomach. It's really not though. Its flat. Theres no fat on him.

He sighs sadly and wraps his arms around himself. He picks his shirt up off the floor and puts it back on.

He heads downstairs, after making sure Louis is under the duvet and is nice and cosy and living his cheek and kiss.

No breakfast for him  because he'll just get fat if he eats. Think how many calories one bowl of Cheerios hold. Ewww!

He flops onto the sofa and just stares at the blank TV screen. Nothing was playing, because no one else was up.

'I should probably go to the gym, because I was an idiot and didnt go yesterday.' Harry thought to himself.

He went upstairs and into his and Louis room.

He quickly  and quietly got changed into his workout outfit. He left the room and then headed downtown and jogged to the gym.

10 minutes later, he arrived. He entered  and began to work out, until his phone started to ring an hour and a half later. He answered it, not bothering to see who it was.

"Hello?" He asks down the phone.

"Haz, where are you?" Louis asks worriedly.

Harry smiles at the sound of his loves voice. But it soon fades. He doesnt want to tell him he's at the gym, so he lies.

"I'm just at the shops, love. I'll be back soon." Harry says gently.

"Ok, it's just..... I didnt get my morning cuddles." Louis says adorable, making Harry chuckle.

"I'll give them to you as soon as possible." He says.

"Ok, bye." Louis says.

"Bye, love you." Harry says.

"Love you too." Louis says and hangs up.

Harry continues to work out for another 15 minutes and then jogs home. He picks up a few things from the shops to make it look like he was there.

Once he arrived home, he quickly puts the stuff away and runs upstairs, hoping none of the boys were up there. They weren't.

He grabs a towel, clothes and heads to the bathroom for a shower. After he was done, he stepped out and looked at himself in the mirror as he dried himself off.

"Ugh, I'm still so fat." He says to himself quietly.

He changes into a t-shirt and black jeans and heads downstairs, after brushing his hair and teeth. He completely forgot to do them earlier.

He enters the living room and everyone smiles at him.

"Hey, mate, I haven't seen you for awhile." Niall says smiling at his friend.

"Yeah, where you been?" Liam asks.

"Oh, just the shops." Harry replies sitting between Zayn and Louis.

Louis cuddles up to Harry's side, making the others all go "awwww!"

Harry just rolls his eyes, while Louis is blushing.

To be honest, Harry is starting to feel hungry, but he cant eat, or he'll just get even fatter!

He tries to forget about his hunger and just hugs Louis and watches TV.

After 20 minutes, he decides to just drink some water. Maybe that will stop his hunger.

He gets up and heads into the kitchen and drinks a glass of water. He smiles, but then gasps. Water can make you bloated! Ughhhhhh! Harry slams the cup down and stomps upstairs and starts to workout. He just does some crunches, pushups, plank and butt lifts.

A few minutes later, while Harry was doing butt lifts, Louis walks in and gasps at what he sees.

"Haary, love, what are you doing?" Louis asks confused and slightly worried.

"Working out." He replies simply.

"Why?" Louis asks.

"Cuz I need to loose weight." He replies moving onto plank.

"No you dont, you're perfect." Louis says trying to stop Harry from doing his plank.

Louis accidentally touched his ribs. That's when he noticed how skinny Harry felt.

"Harry....... you're literally a stck! Are you...... starving yourself?" Louis asks worriedly and tearing up.

"No." He replies lieing.

"You are, Babe! Oh my god! Why?" Louis asks as he starts to cry.

Harry stops doing his plank and sits up to look at Louis.

"Baby, dont cry." Harry says pulling Louis into a hug.

"W-W-Why are you star-ving y-y-yours-elf?" Louis asks through his cries and sobs.

"CUZ IM FAT!!!!!! I EXCERCISE AND STARVE MYSELF TO BE PERFECT, BUT IM NOT!!!!!!!! IM A FAT F**K!!!!!!!" Harry screamed and Louis cried even more.

He hugged Harry tightly and cried and sobbed into his shoulder. Harry didnt hug though back. He just couldnt.

"What's going on in here?" Zayn asks worriedly.

Harry and Louis looked up to see Liam, Zayn and Niall standing at the boys' bedroom door.

Louis and Harry managed to calm down a few minutes later and explained to the othrbwhat was happening. They were so worried and wanted to help Harry. Of course, he agreed.

Harry will get better and everything will be ok. He's happy he has an amazing boyfriend and amazing friends.

I think the ending kinda sucked..... sorry! Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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