Zayn Malik sunburned

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The boys decided to go to the beach today. It was nice weather, so why not spend it at the seaside?

They were all in their swimming trunks and were getting into the car. They had packed some spare clothes and towels too. They had already put some sunscreen on too. Dont want to get sunburnt.

The drive to the beach was about 40 minutes. Louis was driving Zayn in the passenger seat. Niall and Liam were sitting either side of Harry. Harry likes to sit in the middle. It makes him feel loved, because hes squished between them. He loves it.

The five boys jam out to some music on the way. They were singing their hearts out with the windows down.

Once they arrived, they got out and run down to the beach.

"Let's go in the sea!" Niall yells excitedly.

"I'll stay here with the stuff." Zayn says.

"You sure?" Liam asks and he nods.

The four boys run off to the sea.

Zayn lays down on his stomach and reads a book. The other four were messing about in the sea. Zayn doesnt really like swimming.

About half an hour later, the boys come back up the beach and over to Zayn.

"Lets get some lunch now." Harry says and everyone agrees.

They had bought a picnic with them.
There was sandwiches, crisps, chocolate and fruit. Of course they had their drinks. Juice and water. It was nice and relaxing. Zayn was talking and the boys were really proud of what he was talking about. Louis patted his back, but Zayn yelled out in pain.

"Whoa, what's wrong?" Harry asks worriedly.

"My back." Zayn replies.

Niall takes a look at his back and gasps.

"Mate, you've been sunburnt really badly." Niall says.

"Shoot, I forgot to put suncream on my back. I'm such in idiot." Zayn says slightly annoyed.

"You're not an idiot. We all make mistakes." Liam says placing a hand on Zayn's shoulder.

"We should get home and put some Aloe vera on you." Louis says.

Harry wraps a towel around Zayn's back.

"Thanks." He says and Harry smiles.

They pack up and head back to the car. Zayn hisses as his back hits the back of the seat. For the whole like 40 minute journey, Zayn is sitting forward. It wasnt very comfy.

Once they arrived home, Louis escorted him to the bathroom to put some Aloe vera on his back.

"Ok, this might sting a bit." Louis says and he starts to apply the cream.

"Owww!" Zayn yells out in pain.

"Sorry." Louis says as he finishes applying the cream.

"There we go." Louis says smiling and Zayn smiles a small smile back.

Louis leaves the bathroom and Zayn follows. He goes into his room to get a t-shirt on. As the t-shirt hit his back, he hissed in pain. That was a bad idea. He takes the t-shirt off and takes his swim shorts off.

He puts on some normal shorts and heads downstairs. He sits on the sofa. He had to sit forward, so his back doesnt touch the sofa. Let's just say by the end of the day, Zayn had a sore back, due to sunburn and not being able to lean back on the sofa.

Awww poor Zayn. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

One direction sickfics (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora