Harry Styles bad cold

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Requested by: Galadrien77. (Ik I'm doing a lot of Harry chapters, but that what people way, so yeah! Promise I'll do like a Louis one and then a Liam one soon since I haven't done one of them for awhile.) Hope you enjoy!

Harry has been feeling so badly all day. He thinks he may have a really bad cold. He's taking medicine and rested all day, but he still feels pretty bad. He cant stay home tonight though, because him and the others are going to the 'Late late show eith James Corden.'

"Harry, are you ready yet?" Zayn calls up the stairs.

They have to go in 5 minutes, so they are able to get there by 10.00pm. They have like a 30 minute drive.

"Yeah." He replies his voice hoarse and his throat sore.

He coughs, but that just hurts his throat even more.

He sniffles, but his nose is all blocked.

"Ughhh." He groans out and grabs his phone, heading downstairs.

He slips his shoes on and they all leave. Harry's head hurts so badly and he is also so damn tired, which isnt good, cuz the show lasts for an hour and the boys due on the show at around 10.40pm. He wouldn't be surprised if he falls asleep in the little room that they are in, while they wait to go on.

They all climb into the car. Louis driving and Zayn beside him. The other three were crammed into the back.

Harry sighs sadly and leans his head against the cool window. That feels so nice. He was feeling really hot too. It could be a fever coming on now. Great.

The drive to James Corden's studio was filled with small talk by everyone, but Harry. He was just not feeling up for talking. Infact, he wasnt up for anything. Now he was being dragged onto 'The late late show.' Ughhhh!

Once they arrive, the show has already started, do they quickly rush backstage and security leads them into the little room with a sign that says 'The late late show with James Corden' on the door.

They sit on the couch and just do their thing until it's time for them to go on. Harry is feeling worse and worse by the minute. He feels so hot and sticky and its gross!

He grabs a tissue and blows his stuffy nose, but not a lot comes out, since his nose is blocked. He leans his head back and shuts his eyes, trying to ignore the headache that is coming on.

"Guys..... what are we even doing on the show?" Harry asks opening his eyes after a few minutes.

The poor boy sounds all congested and his voice is raspy from a sore throat.

"Harry, dont you listen? We're doing Tattoo roulette." Zayn replies rudely.
(A/N: Ik Zayn wasnt in the Tattoo roulette, but he is now lol.)

Harry sighs sadly and nods, sniffling. Why does it have to be today that he's sick? No one believes him either! Life sucks!

At exactly 10.40pm, the boys were called out on stage.

They crowd started screaming and clapping, making Harry's headache 10x worse.

"Welcome, One direction." James says smiling and all the boys smile at him.

"Right, shall we begin?" James asks once he's told the boys the basics of Tattoo roulette.

"YEAH!!!!!!!" They all say together.

There were five boxes and they all head over to them. The order was Louis, Liam, James, Harry and then Niall.

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