Zayn Malik Sleep paralysis

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Ok, so this is based off my friends experience of sleep paralysis. She was helping me write this. Sleep paralysis comes in different forms for other people. It's not always the same. Hope you enjoy!

It's currently 11.00pm abd all the boys are getting ready for bed. They were all walking around the hallway, their rooms and the others rooms. They were either saying goodnight, brushing their teeth, getting changed or stealing someone else's hoodie to sleep in, because they've lost their own or want to wear their friends one.

Zayn was currently in his bathroom brushing his teeth. He was do tired and ready for bed. It was such a long day today with all the interviews and then a meet and greet. It was so tiring.

Once he had finished brushing his teeth, he went to say goodnight to everyone. He stood in the door lway of his room and yelled 'goodnight' to everyone.

"GOODNIGHT!!!!!!" They all call back at the same time, making Zayn chuckle.

He closes his bedroom door, turns his light off and then climbs into bed. He makes sure his phone is on charge. It is! He lays down and closes his eyes, getting comfy so he can get to sleep.

Soon enough, the house was completely quiet and completely dark.

Zayn awoke at 1.37am, but couldn't move. Wait what? His eyes were open, so he must be awake. He literally couldnt move! He was terrified.

'What's going on?' Zayn thought terrified of the situation.

He just kind of sat there, moving his eyes around the room. He can see things, well, silhouettes of things, since it was dark.

He then spotted something that looked like a person. What is that?! Zayn was freaking but he couldnt do anything about it! Help? Anyone?

It felt like either the figure was getting closer or Zayn was getting closer. Either way it was scary and not fun at all.

'What do I do?' Zayn thought freaking out. He was literally shitting himself he was that scared.

Its getting closer! Its eyes are glowing! What the fuck?! Zayn feels like something is pushing down on his chest and it hurts like hell.

Just as the scary figure with glowing eyes starts to climb in his bed he jolts up. What the fuck just happened?! He sits up, looking around his dark room, absolutely terrified.

He didnt want to move. He was too scared. Something might grab him. He started to cry from fear and pulled the covers up more. He was shaking and crying so much. He doesn't know what had just happened. But whatever it was, it wasnt enjoyable.

Suddenly, Zayn's door opened and Liam walks in, looking really concerned. He rushes over to Zayn's bed and sits down on the edge of it.

"What's wrong, bub? Why are you crying?" Liam asks Zayn worrriedly.

Zayn just keeps crying and moves over so he can cuddle up to Liam. He just wants some comfort.

"Shhh, there there." Liam says gently and hugging Zayn tightly.

After a few minutes of Zayn crying and Liam comforting him, he was finally calmed down and ready to tell Liam.

"LiLi, I saw something in my room. It was really scary and it was getting closer to me." Zayn explains worriedly. He was scared it was gonna come back.

"What was it?" Liam asks gently, not wanting to scare the boy.

"I don't know, but it was just a silhouette with glowing eyes. They were white glowing eyes. I couldnt move, could only see it, I couldnt do anything else. It was like I was stick to the bed." Zayn explains cuddling up to Liam even more.

Liam moves over so he is leaning against the headboard with Zayn snuggled up to him.

"Two if my friends has had this before and so has Harry." Liam says after thinking about it.

"What is it?" Zayn asks looking up at Liam with his big brown eyes.

"Sleep paralysis." Liam replies and Zayn has a look of confusion.

"Sleep what?" Zayn asks confused.

"Sleep paralysis. It's when you're awake, but you're brain isn't. I know, it's a bit confusing. But dont worry, it only happens once to twice in your lifetime." Liam explains and Zayn nods.

"Can you stay in here with me? I'm scared. Please?" Zayn asks and Liam nods smiling.

They both get under the covers and Zayn snuggles up next to Liam and they're soon both asleep.

A few days later, the two boys started dating! They told the others and they were so happy for them. They even went out as a band to celebrate.

Ziammmmm!!! It's my 2nd favourite ship. I think we all know my last one. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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