Part 73 - Moon Banquet Festival pt 8

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[Miru's note:~ the picture above you can choose which reader-chan should wear]

(name) stretched her arms above her head as she grinned excitedly, "today is going to be fun~", she skipped around to look at the benches which was prepared by Tomita.

"I'm super grateful for them, Tomita-san", Yukihira grinned his usual stupid grin, before looking at (name) who was excited, she was really adorable in his eyes. After (name) skipped around the benches she finally skipped over to the three of them with a bright smile, "Thank you, Yuya, for the benches, it'd be nice for you to have some bite as a thanks from us".

"eh? Really (name)-chan? Would that be okay??", Tomita couldn't help but wanting to grab a bite since he came here without eating, "I haven't had Soma-chan's food for a while~ I can enjoy Yukihira Diner's taste again", he cheered to himself helplessly.

Yukihira started cooking and whispered to (name) to make the noodles for him. She simply nodded her head and swiftly took out some flour and start to kneed it swiftly before cutting it and boil it into the boiling water.

(name) didn't even realize that Kuga came over with three of the baldies who was in the same club as him.

"here you go, Soma", (name) passed the noodles to Yukihira who could only smirk after saying thanks to her. After putting the noodles into the Mapo Tofu Yukihira added a giant meatball to go with it.

"let's get back.... (Name)-chin, I'll be waiting for you later when you're resting", he waved goodbye as he walked away with the three baldies following him like lost ducklings.

After finishing with the plating, Yukihira gave the plate to Tomita as (name) simply went back to the counter and waited for customers to flood in as the scent of the curry intoxicated the whole place, stealing half of the customers that were standing in line to eat at Kuga's restaurant.

"get ready then", (name) smirked as she watched the customers started piling to order from Yukihira's booth.

"(name)-chan, you handle the Sorta-Danzi-noodles, Tadokoro you handle the Black Pepper bun, and I'll handle the Countdown Mapo Curry Noodles", he grinned widely as he started cooking for the pile of orders for Mapo Curry Noodles.

Soon enough, the line was getting longer never before and Tadokoro was starting to freak out as she couldn't handle too much customers.

"is he coming, Soma?", (name) asked calmly while making the broth for the Danzi noodles.

"it's about time for him to show up, don't worry (name)-chan", he furrowed his brows as he continued to cook under pressure, "I'm more worried about you, (name)-chan, haha! How come you're really calm about this?".

She smiled, "time management is key for success, in my point of view.... And of course, entertaining the customers from being bored is also fun", she giggled at the end of her words.

Huge steps could be heard, as Mimasaka Subaru finally arrive.

(name) who holding a knife in her hands, looked at him with a blank façade, "I trust your judgement, Soma, but if he makes one wrong move, we'll see what happened...", she muttered before continue to cut the noodles swiftly.

Mimasaka sweatdropped after shivering a little at (name)'s words, before he started posing to mimic as Yukihira while holding a spoon.

Yukihira looked at him weirdly, "don't worry (name)-chan, you have nothing to worry about, anyway Mimasaka, nevermind all that, just hurry up", he said boredly before sparing a glance at (name) who was making herself busy from glaring daggers at Mimasaka, he smiled in the end, "anyway, did you learn the recipe we gave you last night?".

"don't underestimate my perfect tracing, I'll show you the results of all the training I did until today", Mimasaka smirked before he started to mimic exactly what Yukihira was doing and eventually started cooking exactly the same as how Yukihira was cooking.

(name) only watched from the corner of her eyes before heaving out a sigh and continue her work with a smile on her face, "4 Danzi-noodles, ready to serve", she said, gaining Tadokoro's attention as she quickly nodded her head and carried 4 of the Sorta-Danzi noodles in a tray.

"man, you're such a great help, thanks for agreeing to do this without a fuss", Yukihira smiled at Mimasaka, who was simply boasting off his awesome perfect tracing before glancing at (name), "I feel grateful to you and (name)-san... eventhough (name)-san still doesn't accept me".

Yukihira laughed out loud, "(name)-chan is actually easy to please, but if you get on her wrong side, she'll hate you forever... she's like Nakiri", he grinned.

"we don't have any time to chit-chat, we're gonna get even more customers now", Mimasaka yelled out as he copied Yukihira's cooking like a pro, while (name) made eye contact with a worried Kuga.

'I hope she doesn't push herself too much...she'll be tired..', Kuga thought to himself.

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