Chapter 1 - Deaths time turner

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Chapter 1
Harry's POV:

It's been a week since the war and I'm just dead. I feel so damn dead inside. All I want is to see my mother, father, Remus, Fred and Sirius.

They all died because of me. George lost a twin , molly lost a son, Ron lost a brother, I LOST A BROTHER, Fred was like a brother to me. I was the only person who could tell them apart. And for that they loved me like a brother, they never pranked me once because they were so thankful somebody actually noticed.

I just wish I wasn't such a naive child back then. All I was, was a pathetic scrawny naive child of about 5 foot. Tall I know. Note the sarcasm.

I mean even now I'm only 5 foot 8 when really I should be about 5 foot 11. Both my parents were tall but because of the FUCKING Dursleys I'm tiny. From malnourishment. I would occasionally get hit but it wasn't everyday. So I had an ugly body. I'm still very insecure about myself. I'm littered in scars but I'm beginning to wear them like battle scars and be proud buts it's so hard. I just want to die and be with my family.

—————————skip to night time——-

I've decided to do it. I'm letting go of my soul.
I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes. And I let go. My last thought was hoping Ron and Hermione would be fine.

—————line break—————

When I opened my eyes it was blurry so I rubbed any sleep out of my eyes and looked around. I expected to be at kings cross but again the Potter Luck struck.

"Hello Young Master, I've been waiting for you."

I whipped my head around at such a speed I almost broke my neck. When I looked up at the man? Well he looked like a male- sort of.

He was about 6 foot 7 and had no eyes, a skull for a face and bony hands. The red of him was covered by a long black cloak not unlike my own invisibility one.

"Hello, Death

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"Hello, Death."
He looked surprised, if that's possible without eyes or any facial features really.

"Greeting me like an old friend are you?" A loud rickety sound vibrates around the office like room. It was Deaths chuckle.
I merely smiled.
"Just like Ignotus did." He said.

"The third Peverell brother?"
Death nodded.

"So um am I dead or not?"
Death shrugged.

"That was very very strange to witness."
"Well I may not be human but I do have the characteristics you know." He grumbled.
"Stupid humans."
"Er, sorry." I meekly apologised.

"Quite alright young master."
"Young master?"
"Yes master your the master of death."

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

Again his chuckle filled the room.
"You had all three hallows, yes I'm aware you snapped the wand and threw away the stone but they still belong to you..... oh and also, I fixed them anyway."

"U-um w-eh-what?" I spluttered in pure disbelief.

————skip after a long explanation that I don't care to write, you've probably read a story similar. BUT DUMBLEDORE IS GOOD IN MINE!! Although I do love the stories where he isn't.

"So now what?"
"Now young master you have three choices."
"Number one you can go back to where you left of and have your extra powers. Two you can go on into the afterlife or three, in my opinion the best one, to go back to when you were born and relive your life how you want. Of course you can't save your parents but you can use your magic to scare the Dursleys so you will have a better upbringing and I will even cure you awful eyesight being the kind Deity I am."

The last sentence made me snort and the arrogance in his voice.
"So I won't be that scrawny child with no idea about magic?"

"No young master I shall even grant you a sliver of my magic, worry not it shan't do anything to me but it will be of great significance to you. In fact it will most likely double you magical core. And you will have some other gifts as you know."

Suddenly there was a bright golden flash and there stood 7 figures.

The other deities.

They introduced themselves one by one.
My favourite was definitely Mischief, he was rather like me when I do pranks. Something I wanted to do growing up just like the marauders but I never had time to do.

Now I can.

Each other then granted me something.
From Life: Like Death a sliver of her magic, my core now triple what it used to be.
From Fate: A sort of seer ability, I don't make prophecies but I can see bits of the future if I were to make certain choices.
From Chaos: Wandless magic, he wanted me to be able to scare the Dursleys and cause chaos with the death eaters
From Mischief: Wordless magic so I could activate pranks easily and use wandless magic without saying it out loud.
From Beauty: Basically made me a bloody Greek god not that I wasn't thankful because now I might actually get a date easily to the Yule bull. When I told her that she just smirked and said you won't have any trouble trust me. She said she hadn't even able to use her powers like that for ages so she was very happy to make me good looking.
From Intelligence: An eidetic memory so after I ready books I will remember it. Natural Occlumency and Legilimency which is great. Now I don't need Snape. In fact my barriers are stronger than his and Voldyshorts won't be able to put visions in my mind.
From time: Well he was bringing me back in time so that was enough I thought but nope he gave me the ability of a metamorphmagus which I have no idea how TIME of all people did but here we are.
And finally from Death: he fixed my eyesight and gave a sliver of his magic.

And all together they gave me the ability of an elemental. My core was absolutely HUGE.
It was bigger than Merlins. And also they said I should probably get an inheritance test done when I'm older in Gringotts because I never did. They said I had a fair few lordships and heirships.

Finally it was time to go.
"Good luck Harrison!" They all said.
Oh yeah that was another thing I asked if they could change my name because Harry was weak Harrison wasn't. They said they would implant the idea into my fathers head so he would do it.

I was excited to be able to see the marauders young and MY PARENTS AND BE ABLE TO REMEMBER IT. I knew I would cherish that year forever.

"Thank you all so much." I said happily.
They all smiled and then time and death but a special sort of time turner on me that would go back to them when I was reborn.

OH AND ALSO THEY CAN TALK IN MY HEAD WITH ME. So I'm never really alone.


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