Chapter 16 - beginning of third year

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Harrison's POV:

When we all sat down, Dumbledore did his star of year speech welcoming the firsties. But then went on to talk about how the dementors were not friendly and to not give them a reason to attack you.

Then finally he introduced Moony.

"This is your new Defence against the dark arts teacher, Remus Lupin."

He did a small rather awkward bow like last time.

"Good luck professor!" Dumbledore said cheerfully.


Me, the boys and Hermione were in our dorm, after sneaking Hermione up there, were planning our pranks. We had to do our annual first breakfast of the year prank.

"What about if we let fireworks go off in the hall?" I suggested.

"Oh merlin thats great Harrison!" Neville cheered.

Hermione nodded and then added, "also we should put a special time of glue on the floor near the Slytherin table so it activates every now and then. They'd get stuck in weird places and odd times. It would be hilarious."

We all agreed instantly. And laughed evilly.

"Well I should probably get back to my dorm,"
Hermione said.

"Nonsense sleep on the spare bed mione!" I told her.

"Are you sure? Won't we get caught?"

"We've never been caught before and the girls will cover for you like always." I told her completely not worried.

"Ok then, night boys."

"Night!" We all said.


The next morning was great! Before anyone got to the hall we snuck down using my invisibility cloak and poured glue all over the floor where the slytherins table was, then put fireworks all around the room that would activate when I said Firework show.

We snuck back up to the common room and warned them all. Every single one found it hilarious even the really academical ones.

Then us four walked casually down to the great hall and took a seat. All the teachers were there, and so were the slytherins. It was time to start the prank. People already looked wearily, wondering where the prank was as we always did one at the first breakfast.

I looked at the other three and they nodded.

"Do it Harrison."

"Firework show!"

And all hell broke loose.

Remus' PoV:

As I watched Harrison and his friends sit down it reminded me of my school years. There were four of us and four of them. James was like our leader, Harrison was there's. James and Sirius were basically brothers and it seemed Harrison and Ronald were too.

Then I noticed they all had mischievous glints in their eyes, especially the boys.

Oh merlin. A prank.

Then suddenly fireworks went flying around the room. Not just normal fireworks, oh no. They were all either red or gold. Then the last one went off and it was a lion. It chased after the Slytherins who for some reason looked very panicked but yet stayed still but then one person, Malfoy I presume as he was nearly identical to Lucius shouted, "IM STUCK TO THE FLOOR!"

I very almost laughed at the pure bewildered look on everyone's face after it ended. I looked over at the four young Gryffindors and they were howling with laughter. Harrison and Ron were on the floor they were laughing so hard. Neville has his head on the table, shoulders raking in suppressed laughs. The girl, Hermione was holding on to Neville for support.

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