Chapter 18

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Harrison's PoV:

When I fell I went into my mindscape to escape the pain. This is what Frank and Alice Longbottom did whilst being tortured. But because they kept getting the spell but on they were unable to come out, therefore they spiralled into insanity.

When I went in there, I could actually see and talk to Killian and the others.

"Well..that happened." I said.

"Yes I do believe it did Young Harrison." Fate said dryly.

"It was BRILLIANT Harrison!" Chaos and mischief said in sync.

"Boys! Don't tell him that!" Shouted life.

"Well Young master I do believe you followed through on your plan of breaking both legs and arms...and maybe a few other bones..." Killian said whilst watching Life wearily.

"Hmph." Life huffed.

"What were the injuries?"

"Both legs broken. Both arms broken. Six ribs broken. One puncture in the lung from the broken ribs causing you to hack up blood. Broken jaw. Fractured left collarbone and a massive gash on the back of your head." Fate said irritably.


"Yes I do believe it would of hurt. Just a tad."Fate said sarcastically.

"Ok so Poppy is healing me now?"

"Yes Young master."

"But we will heal you completely so you will have no scars. Beauty would throw a fit." Said life.

"Oi you lot!" Cane Beauty's voice.

"It is true..." I said wearily.

She just huffed. Eventually they healed me up and I woke up.


I opened my eyes to see the entire quidditch team surrounding me just like last time.

"He looks a bit peaky." Ron said.

No shit Ronald. I internally snorted.

"What do you expect? He went plummeting down to the ground at about 60 miles per hour!" Fred said.

"Yes let's threw you off your broom back at the burrow and see what you look like!" George said.

"He's probably look a lot better." I said cheerfully. And then sat up. I looked up at them and they all had their mouths hanging open.

"Did I get the point!!" I said hopefully.

They all continued to stare until Katie said in a dazed voice, " won us the game."

"YES! I TOLD YOU KATIE!" I beamed.

She just laughed and said, "damn Harrison I can't believe your just sitting up."

"I know I know...I'm amazing!" I mock arrogantly said. They all snorted.

"Gave everyone, even the Slytherins a right scare little brother." Said George.

You see I've literally became like their little brother, with all the pranks I do. They never prank me because a) I'm the only one to get them the right way around and b) they love a fellow prankster and c) I scare them slightly...being the marauders son and all.

"Eh you should know by now I tend not to die!" I said happily.

I then shocked them all but hopping out of bed and walking normally, as if I hadn't broken my legs, to Angelina and hugged her.

"Nice to see your up and moving again Ange!"

"HOW IN MERLINS NAME ARE YOU WALKING? But yeah nice to see you too." She exclaimed.

"Oh my magic has fully healed me after Poppy did her best."

"Don't let her hear you call her that Harrison!" Oliver warned.

"So did we won huh?"

They all nodded in confirmation.

"Good good. But did in first yes?"

"Yeah! By 7 points!" Oliver excitedly said.

"We are winning this cup!"

"It'll be the third time I a row." Oliver said smugly.

"Yeah and all because of me." I said just as smugly. Causing everyone to snigger at my perfect imitation of Wood.


I don't think anyone was expecting me to sit down in the great hall the next morning for breakfast as everyone looked up and just stared.

"Well I know I'm attractive and all but please, it's rude to stare you know!" I said and then walked on over to the red and gold clad table and plopped myself down in between Neville and Ron with Hermione sitting beside Ron and the twins in front of us.

Eventually they all stopped staring when dumbledore stood up and said, " well its lovely to have you back up and moving Mr Potter."

I dipped my head in thanks. Then turned back and said to my friends.

"Prank time?"

"Prank time!" They all said.

We all hid our wands in our sleeves but slowly turned towards the other three tables and charmed every single persons hair neon pink.

"AHHHH MY HAIR!" Was shouted all round.

We all started howling In laughter.


This caused us to erupt into more laughter.


"Yes Minnie!" Me and Ron cheekily said.

Her eye twitched in annoyance but kept her calm and said, "turn their hair back."

I pretended to think for a moment but then decided to say, "I'm terribly sorry Minnie...but I am unable to as it must wear off. Also lovely choice of wardrobe I must say."

And then ran whilst laughing loudly much to everyone's amusement.

Minnie must of looked down at herself and saw she was now sporting neon yellow robes and her hat was dark blue with bright green polka dots. Because I heard her hollering after me.


And that set everyone off, even the teachers into roaring laughter that probably could have been heard in Hosgmede.

End of chapter!
Please go check out my brand new story! It's on my profile called TOO FAR GONE
ITS SET IN Harry's Fifth year. It's basically him spiralling into depression and becoming suicidal. After Cedric's death and him being abused at home.


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