Chapter 5 0-1 years old.

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Harrison's POV:

Looking back at my first year within being reborn, it's been amazing! Like when I said my first word at 3 months old. Let's just say they were very very shocked! Three months old is incredibly early to talk.

9 months ago:

I was in my playpen on the floor playing with a stuffed stag, wolf,doe,dog and fawn. Then suddenly Padfoot and Moony came through the floo, making me jump. I let out a hiccup indicating I was about to cry. And since I never cry they knew I must have been really scared so, just before I began to cry my mum scooped me off the floor and cooed at me.

"It's ok baby, don't cry. Shhh shhh shh, that's it darling. It was only the floo don't worry mama's here."

"And dada!"
"And uncle moony."
"And uncle padfoot." As soon as uncle Padfoot said that I decided to say my 'first' word.

"Pa'foo?"  I really hated having to dumb down my speech but a THREE month old speaking fluent English might freak them out. Well speaking at all did.

Mama was so shocked she almost dropped me.


They all laughed at how happy Padfoot sounded and then decided to see if I could say anything else.

"What about dada, son?"
"Yes! You can do it son!!"

"DADA!" I squealed.

Let's just say dad was a crying mess after that. Anyway after that they 'taught' me to say Moony which came out moo'ey. Then mama which came out perfectly, much to mums pleasure. Then wormtail, it came out wormy just how mum called him.

Then they tried marauder, not expecting anything but I decided to let my so called 'genius' show through. And said "maworder". Again Sirius and dad being dramatic began crying and gushing how smart I was and how they were going to teach me lots of pranks much to Remus' and mums displeasure.

Then when I first crawled at 5 months, again rather early.
7 months ago:

I was playing with Padfoot and wormtail in their animagus forms. Then suddenly Padfoot walked over to Moony but I wanted to play still. So I again decided to be ridiculously advanced for a baby and crawled to him. Mum got this on a magic photo btw. Which is now in a photo album that they made when I was born.

"Oh my, James how is he so advance?" Mum asked incredulously.

"I-I have no idea Lils."
"He's incredible and adorable!" Piped Sirius.

"Yeah." Both Remus and Peter agreed.

Then there was my first steps at 7 months old. This like crawling was actually very hard as I had tiny limbs and they were weak. As I get older I definitely need to train even more especially if I don't want to be scrawny.

5 months ago:

This time it was only dada and mama here. Mama was playing catch with dada whilst I was in dadas free arm laughing my head off which made them very happy. Then dada put me down in my playpen but again I wanted to carry on so I used magic to unlock the pen (I'd bring having accidental magic since birth where as soon as I was born I blew up a nearby plant pot it was recorded as the earliest bout of magic ever recorded) then I crawled out. They were both watching me intently wondering what I was doing.
"That looked rather purposeful instead of accidental don't you think lily-flower?"

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