Chapter 32

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Harrison's POV:

I was just about to hug Sirius, a massive grin on my face when I heard it.

I heard those dreaded words.


And I knew that, that would be the end of me.

I saw the look of horror flash across the Order members face and then it was darkness.

The last thing I ever saw was Sirius and Remus' faces , horror struck, so I whispered my last words to them with a true smile on my face.

"Mischief managed Uncles."

And I was gone.

Holy merlin I'm breaking my own heart over here 😭 is it just me?


Sirius' POV:

I heard the words, that took away James and Lily all those years ago and then saw the sickly green flash that was notorious for ending lives.

It was heading straight for my godson, my puppy, my baby, Harrison.

My face portrayed pure horror as did Remus'.

Just before he was hit with the curse, he looked us in the eyes and smiled.

"Mischief Managed Uncles." He said softly. And closed his eyes whilst taking a deep breath that would be his last.

Those words broke my heart into a million pieces and I knew Remus felt the same.

How could such a once happy saying for me and the marauders, turn into the words I now hated the most. The last words of my godson, Harrison James Denver Potter.

And with those spoken words said, the curse hit him square in the back and he slumped forwards into me.

I caught him in my arms, against my chest. And stared wide eyed at him. I fell to my knees with him and began to shake him, hoping for a reaction.

But there was none as the dead couldn't even sense somebodies presence.

I cradled his still warm body close to my chest, I could hear the order members restraining his murderer but I didn't care. All I cared about was Remus and the 15 year old teenager in my arms

They were both my entire world and if lost half of it.
I shakily presses two fingers to his neck for a pulse but there was none.

He was truly dead, dead just like his mother and father. Just like my own brother and friends from school. Like Marlene, Mary, Emmeline and many many others.

I couldn't help it, I cried over the body of MY Harrison, MY godson, MY son. The sight would have made anyone cry.

I felt Remus' arms around me as he had sunk to the floor just behind me. I could feel his own body wracking with sobs, silently but still sobbing.

Silent sobs are always the most painful.

I looked down at the messy haired boy and got flashbacks of the boggart in Grimmauld place. I got flashbacks of the first war. Flashbacks of when I first ever saw that tiny but amazing green eyed boy.

His first words, him first crawling, him riding in my back in my animagus form. Meeting him in the shrieking shack. Seeing him arrive in Grimmauld place months ago.

He had left me just like James and Lily had all those years ago. His emerald eyes that were once sparkling with life and mischief now dead and dull.

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