Chapter 11 - Hogwarts Express

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Harrison's POV:

I was so excited, today I was finally going back home. To my true home, HOGWARTS!!

Imagine all the pranks I can pull!!

Young master calm down. You look like an excitable puppy. Killian informed me amused.

I didn't blush like I would have done in my previous life I just rolled me eyes and laughed. You see in this life I am WAY more confident. Way funnier, way smarter (probably more than Hermione but that's because I've got an unfair advantage- not that I'll tell her that) and way happier.

I've missed my parents and the marauders but I knew I'd see them all again one day. My parents in death and the three remaining marauders in my first year. Although technically I'll be seeing Peter in my first year.

———-skip brought to you by a drunk James Potter in his stag form!

This is it. The moment I'd been waiting for, for many many years. It was time to go through the wall off platform 9 and 3/4. But this time I won't need Mrs Weasley's help. But I'll still make sure to be friends with them.

I had shrunk all my things down to put them in my pocket. Let cosmos fly ahead and had a glamour over Ebony that would wear off as soon as we entered the platform.

I walked towards the wall, this time feeling no fear only excitement. I closed my eyes to soak in the feeling of being back and then I opened my eyes...and saw the beautiful scarlet train that was the hogwarts express. I smiled.

Im almost home.

Also do not be alarmed when lady hogwarts greets you when you enter the wards. She will recognise you as her heir and will want to protect you. You will have full reign of the castle even able to access the headmasters office. Use it wisely. I heard intelligence tell me.

I mentally thanked her then pulled out of my mind scape.

I walked to the train door and stepped on. I was going to look for Hermione first.

Maybe she will remember her "charming messy haired friend". I thought hopefully.

After a little while of searching I finally caught site of bushy hair entering a carriage. I almost bolted to her but managed to keep collected and slowly made my way towards her but if you looked closely you would see a small bounce in my step.

I knocked on the door...unlike her in the previous lifetime and waited.

"Come in." Her rather bossy voice said. I rolled my eyes.

Classic Hermione.

I walked in and said in a cheeky voice, "miss me babe?"

Her head snapped up with such a force I'm quite surprise her head didn't fall off.

"WHAT?" She screeched.

I laughed my charming laugh and turned back to her.

"I'm Harrison, Harrison Potter. Your charming messy haired friend from 5 years ago."

She gasped and then flung herself at me.

"Oh my god! An: remember MUGGLEBORN she doesn't use merlin yet) Harrison? I waited so long to see you again." She exclaimed.

"Same here Mione...same here."
She looked at me and said, "it really is you. I never knew your last name was Potter!"

Then suddenly she must of realised she was practically on my lap as she blushed bright red and quickly scampered off. I mock pouted and whined:

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