Chapter 20

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Harrison's POV:

My vision and hearing were blurred. I couldn't see properly and everything sounded so far away. It took a few seconds to get my senses back to normal but as soon as I did, I felt an awful pain shooting up and down my body. Starting with my legs and ending at my head.



I looked around wildly having come back to my senses fully, remembering Wormtail had tackled me down the stairs. Except instead of making it down to the bottom, with the combined weight of me and him, the stairs broke and we fell through to the bottom floor, breaking all three stair cases on the way down. Peter has landed on me so he barely got hurt, maybe a slight concussion but that's it. I on the other hand had landed full force on the sodden dusty floor.

"Erhhhhh." I groaned. I pushed Peter off me as I heard the others running down, jumping over the holes in the stairs where we fell. Hermione was the first to get to us, stunning Peter unconscious and dragging him away from me, over to where Sirius was. She gave Sirius her wand to stun Peter if he came back round and ran over to me.

"Harrison are you ok?"

"Oh just spiffing love." I said cheekily but the let out a small whimper of pain when I laughed.

Broken ribs definitely.

This is a brilliant show your putting on.

Chaos SHUT IT HE ALMOST DIED...AGAIN! Life said angrily.

Ron was guarding Peter with Sirius, so Remus came over to me, especially when he heard the whimper of his cub. When he saw me his eyes flashed bright amber as his wolf took over, he let out a whine at the sight of my many broken bones but then an even louder one at the blood gushing out of my chest from where Padfoot had dragged me over the metal rod earlier. After awhile Remus took back control and came over, but I said to him, "we should p-probably g-go ''s t-the full m-moon..." I said gasping for air as blood filled my lungs.

Must have punctured one of them...

Both of them actually little one.

Killian I am not little!

Well compared to me your like a newborn baby.

I rolled my eyes mentally.

Remus had gone pale after I said that for two reasons. 1) I was coughing up blood and 2) he hadn't taken his potion.

"Oh shit." He said not caring about his language.

I pushed the pain to the back of my mind and using the wall behind me I got to my knees and then slowly and very painfully pushed myself to my feet. Shocking them all.

"Harrison! Let me help you." Hermione said.

"Cub be careful please and hurry, your loosing blood too quickly." He said worriedly.

I nodded absentmindedly and leaning heavily on Hermione hobbled over time the other three.

Sirius slung my left arm over his right shoulder as I was about 1 inch shorter than him so it was easier. Hermione being only 5 foot 3, couldn't properly hold me up. I was really light headed and weak, so Ron who was taller than Hermione but still a fair few inches shorter than me sling my over arm over his shoulder. Ron was roughly 5 foot 8.
Still tall for 13 but not as tall.

Hermione levitated Peter our of the shack.

Wait where is Snape this time?

Ah that's our doing Young master. I mean with all the crashing and falling about we thought added Snape to the mix would be to much.

Yes but he protected us from werewolf Lupin.

Not really Young master, only one scratch to the chest was what he took for you. And plus this time round it won't matter as Remus it staying in the shack.

Oh yeah, forgot about that .

We hobbled out of the shack, I was bleeding really heavily now and was slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Come on Harrison, mate stay with us." I heard Ron voice say frantically.

We were now safely outside the shack, we all sat on the grass, so Sirius could stop the bleeding with my wand.

Just before I fell unconscious, Sirius shook me hard to keep me awake.

"Come on pup, stay awake."

He healed the cut so I wouldn't loose anymore blood but I still needed a blood replenishing potion and to have my bones healed. Plus I was still coughing up blood. Suddenly, I hacked up loads of blood, way more this time.

"He's not going to make it all the way up there! His lungs must be punctured, both of them for him to be coughing up this much!" Sirius told the other two.

I slipped unconscious once more, and the last thing I saw was a man coming towards us before I closed my eyes.

Dun dun dun!!


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