Chapter 27

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Third POV:

In the morning, they all woke up and headed down to breakfast. Kingsley, Tonks and Moody has all gone home, leaving the Weasleys, Hermione, Harrison, Remus and Sirius.

Today they were going to look at Harrison's memories so far as Remus and Sirius has missed a lot. Also the others had only heard about most of it but not seen it.

They all ate their food and headed to the front room where the pensieve was.

"This is what happened with the Philosophers stone."

He extracted the memory and put the swirling white strand into the basin of the pensieve.

They all entered one by one and landed in the third floor corridor.

"Somebodies already been here, Fluffy's asleep." said a younger Ron.

"Yeah well observed carrot head." Memory Harrison said.

Everyone laughed at Harrisons sarcasm and Ron's super offended face. But all looked very shaken when they saw the three headed dog.

"Why on EARTH is there a CERBRUS in Hogwarts?" Remus and Molly asked at the same time.

"Dumbledore..." Harrison sighed.

Harrison, Ronald, Hermione and Neville all entered the trap door. The memory 11 year olds, except Harrison who as always looked as if he'd been there and done it a hundred times, much to the others annoyance.

"It's only Devils Snare you lot! Just start a fire!" Young Harrison said cheerfully as if they weren't all currently being strangled by the thick vines.

"Honestly Harrison, do you EVER panic or make mistakes?" Ginny asked exasperated.

"I'm sure there are plenty of things that we haven't yet discovered." He said.

"There's NO firewood Harrison! How are we meant to make a fire!" Memory Hermione said.

"ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT!" Young Ron said half terrified half annoyed.

Hermione blushed bright red at the memory, whilst everyone had a right laugh at her.

"T-there n-no FIREWOOD!" Sirius howled with laughter.

All the others were chuckling just as hard, Hermione cuffed Harrison on the back of the head.

"I hate you Hazza!"

"No you don't! And be careful 'mione! That might end up being the last ever thing you say to me if I die!" Harrison said mock sadly.

"Harrison James Denver Potter! Do NOT say things like that!" Hermione, Ginny and Molly said all at the same time.

The others all looked horrified at the thought of him being dead.

They all watched the flying keys, then the chessboard and were all fascinated with the shadow walking but winced when Hermione exploded the chess pieces. Especially when the debris hit them, mostly Harrison.

" did you all stay conscious after that? Especially Hazza!" George said whilst grimacing.

"Not quite sure to be honest." Ron scratched the back of his head, whilst Molly seemed to be checking them all over for injuries even when it was years ago.

"Mum we are all fine now!" Ron groaned.

"Hmph." Molly huffed.

They all watched in disgust when they saw the troll passed out on the floor, and laughed when Harrison didn't even bother reading the riddle and instead shadowed them all right through.

When they all saw Quirrell they were all bewildered. None of them had any idea why he was there, except surprise surprise. Harrison bloody Potter. And obviously the older versions of the memory people.

They all gasped when Hermione, Ron and Neville got bound up with robes but sighed with relief when Harrison dodged them.

Everyone either shrieked in horror when they saw Voldemort or paled significantly.

They watched Harrison duel and taunt Voldemort,


"HARRISON DONT TAUNT HIM!" Hermione yelled.

"Oh I do wish you wouldn't taunt him Hazza." Ginny groaned.

When Voldemort shot a cruciatus at the memory Hermione, they all shouted.


Even though she couldn't hear them. But when Harrison jumped in front of it they all gasped. They choked back a sob when they saw him bravely hide the pain he was in and continue to protect his friends.

"Oh merlin...Harrison you took an unforgivable for them..." Arthur shuddered.

Harrison merely smiled sadly.

Harrison hugged Hermione, who was bawling her eyes out at the memory.

"Seems your loosing your touch!"

"Harrison how can you still talk whilst under that horrid curse?!" Fred asked gobsmacked.

He merely smirked and shook his head.

They all continued to watch the duel, although they were all growing deeply concerned over how long Harrison had been held under the torture curse, especially at such a young age. They were also wondering how he wasn't screaming his lungs out.

When Harrison punched Voldy in the jaw, they all spluttered and their eyes bulged out their heads.

"OH MERLIN HAZZA!" Fred roared with laughter.


"Yeah..." Harrison said slightly sheepish. But you could see the absolute glee shining through his eyes.

Remus and Sirius were pale at the sight of Harrison and Voldemort duelling but were laughing when the most feared man of all time was knocked out cold by an 11 year old boy.

When they saw his extensive injuries, Remus' wolf came out and his eyes bled amber. He sniffed and checked his cub all over even though it was in his first year.

Finally they were finished with the first year memory and the first thing they did was hug Ron, Harrison and Hermione.

"Pup! I can't believe you punched Voldymoldy in the face!" Sirius wheezed.

"I know! I was so proud of myself back then." Harrison replied gleefully.

Remus and Molly were still horror struck over the injuries and were checking all three children over.

"I'm glad you three and poor Neville are all fine now." Arthur said honestly.

The others nodded in agreement.

"Well let's get into second year!" The twins chorused.

And so they looked at the duelling club with Lockhart and all the pranks they did. Obviously Harrison didn't show them him making friends with the basilisk or anything about the chamber of secrets, nor the horcrux.

Also Harrison and Dumbledore had so far destroyed the Diary, the diadam, the ring (which Harrison told Dumbledore not to put on, telling him he was a seer and could see it would curse him) and the locket.

Harrison had shown Dumbledore the locker after the order meeting, when nobody was looking. Obviously he had to bribe Kreacher but in the end Kreacher was very happy to be able to destroy Regulus' locket, which was Regulus' last order before he died, defying  Voldemort before he was even 20 years old.

Third year memories is next chapter


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