Chapter 4 - Godrics Hallow

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Harrison's POV:

Today was the day we go back home to Godrics Hallow. I was exited as I could finally be at home with my parents. My all time dream.

————3 hours later

We had all flooed home, me in dads arms, I'd never felt so loved and safe. Dad stepped out of the fireplace and into the living room.

"Ah nice to be home isn't it lily-flower?"
"Yes James it is, especially with our baby boy."
Dad looked down at me and gently rocked me, causing me to get sleepy.

"Go to sleep son, we'll be here when you wake up baby." He soothed as if he knew why I was fighting sleep.

(He didn't)

So anyway I obliged and snuggled into my dads chest. Falling asleep almost instantly. He was just so warm, although not as warm as Remus.

When I woke up, true to my dads words I was still in his arms and he was talking on his two way mirror to who sounded like Padfoot

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When I woke up, true to my dads words I was still in his arms and he was talking on his two way mirror to who sounded like Padfoot.

"So how's prongs jr?"

"Ah he's fine, a little bit clingy but he's yet to cry which is odd but I'm thankful."

"Lucky you! I still remember from when I was younger when Regulus would cry NON STOP, it used annoy me so much my accidental magic silenced him which was hilarious."

That set my dad off laughing which fully woke me up, but he didn't realise and continued talking.

"Yeah I'm glad I had no siblings!"

"I bet you are," grumbled Sirius.

I was getting a little bit annoyed as I was hungry but I didn't want to cry as it made me feel stupid.(remember this poor boy grew up in an abusive home where if he cried he was told it showed weakness- he would only cry if it was really bad...I mean he didn't even cry when Remus or Sirius died... you would have to be strong to not cry but he didn't because he was told it was weak).

So instead I wiggled in his grip as much as I could with my newborn limbs and made fussing noises.
This caused Dad to immediately stop and put this mirror down and try and comfort me.

"Hey son, what's wrong huh?"
"Maybe he's hungry or needs a change?" Sirius' voice flooded through the mirror.

"Yeah maybe...let me ask mama to feed you son."
(He's a baby so it's breastfeeding not bottle- although some newborns do go straight into formula it's healthier for them to begin on breastfeeding)


"YEAH SURE." Came mamas voice.

After about 3 minutes mum came in with a towel over her shoulder for when she burps/winds me.


After a rather embarrassing feed (remember he's mentally 17) I was full and tired so mum took me to my nursery.

After a rather embarrassing feed (remember he's mentally 17) I was full and tired so mum took me to my nursery

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My nursery was Gryffindor themed, which I loved.
Mum sat down on the chair and rocked me with her arms whilst singing a soft lullaby. It's safe to say I fell asleep quickly.

Sorry for short chapter

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